Index – Sports – Government will help troubled tennis association with 2.5 billion


According to a resolution published on Sunday, the Hungarian Tennis Association will receive 2.5 billion guilders from the government’s extraordinary reserve, writes The objective is to “stabilize (consolidate) the operational conditions of the organization and support the programs and professional developments that it must implement.”

The difficult situation of the tennis association is demonstrated by the fact that on Wednesday, at the initiative of a company called Tenisz Produkció Kft., The Executors withdrew more than 500 million HUF from the association’s account. The president of the association, János Lázár, was elected in July The Fidesz deputy wrote in a statement on Friday that the The procedure is manifestly malicious and makes the daily operation of the association impossible.

According to the announcement, on August 13, the National Tax and Customs Office conducted a home search at the association and the company that initiated the implementation, and seized the contracts signed with AZ Tenisz Produkció Kft. There is a good suspicion that the company has committed a crime, the content and compliance of the invoices, you can question the price-value ratio, you can read it. The association requested the company to refund the discounted amount.

Lazaro was elected president of the tennis association after the previous leadership resigned due to a deficit of 3.5 billion. After choosing Lázár announced the former secretary general of the association, Attila Richter, for signing a contract for the organization of a tournament in Hungary without a decision from the presidency.
