János Lázár spoke this week, the alliance will immediately receive 2.5 billion


The government approved HUF 2.5 billion to stabilize (consolidate) the operational conditions of the Hungarian Tennis Association and support the professional programs and developments it must implement. Previously, support was conditional on the government giving new leadership to the alliance. After the new president became János Lázár, the money tap was turned on.

Photo: MTI Photo / Illyés Tibor

János Lázár, former head of the Prime Minister’s Office, a representative of Fidesz who has now retired to Hódmezővásárhely, president of the Hungarian Tennis Association, and commissioner of the prime minister responsible for the protection of non-smokers, said on Friday that the organization sports is threatened. Among other things, because two private companies, AZ Produkció Kft. And AZ Tenisz Produkció Kft., Presented an order for the execution of the association’s accounts. The former head of the ministry later wrote a letter to members stating that the two companies did not deserve it and acted unfairly.

The government heard the cry for help, so on Sunday the decision was published in the Hungarian Gazette, which transferred HUF 2.5 billion from the reserve in the Office of the Prime Minister chapter of the central budget in favor of the article Supporting organizations civil and non-profit.

The current rain of money prelude at the end of May with a scandal peak around the pact that, also a Fidesz politician, President Lajos Szucs turned and asked the government for 3,500 million to consolidate the alliance. According to Napi.hu at the time, the issue of record shortages was also a topic at the government meeting, and it appears that tennis players will receive this support, but this is conditional on the election of a new presidency, leadership and president.

After the end of July János Lázár became president of the Hungarian Tennis Association, the obstacle to supporting taxpayer money was removed.
