Coronavirus: Travel Restrictions Regulation has been published, here are the details!


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Border control is restored

407/2020 on the temporary reintroduction of border control, effective from September 1 to October 1. under a government decree

  • the government announces the temporary reintroduction of border control on the entire internal border due to the existence of a serious threat to public order and internal security in Hungary,
  • 41/2020 on the measures to be taken in the event of an orderly emergency to protect the health and life of Hungarian citizens, to prevent and remedy the consequences of a human epidemic causing a massive disease that endangers the safety of the life and property. government decree.

General provisions on travel restrictions

408/2020 on travel restrictions during the epidemiological readiness period. Pursuant to a government decree, the government ordered the following:

  • the scope of the regulation covers unofficial border crossings with private passports and other travel documents,
  • you are subject to the same treatment as a Hungarian citizen a) that you have the right to permanent residence in Hungary and a family member, if you prove this right with a document, or b) that you have a valid residence permit issued by the immigration authority for a period exceeding 90 days, that gives you the right to stay in Hungary, and the document corresponding to entry c) that you are a competitor or a sports professional of a Hungarian sports organization according to the Sports Law, if you enter the territory of Hungary after participating in an event international sports event held abroad, d) who is invited by a Hungarian sports organization to an international sports event held abroad, by name, or a person participating in a delegation, if he enters the territory of Hungary after participating in an international sporting event held abroad.

The scope of the decree does not cover a) border crossing in goods traffic, b) border crossing with an official passport in accordance with the Foreign Travel Act, and c) a person who, upon entering Hungary , credibly demonstrate that before the application date for the border crossing 6 within a month of the COVID-19 disease.

Return of Hungarian citizens

According to the regulation

  • A Hungarian citizen and his family member coming from abroad can undergo a medical examination during the entry into Hungary of passenger traffic, which he is obliged to tolerate. If infection is suspected, it will be placed in quarantine designated by the competent epidemiological authority or, if it does not present an epidemiological risk, in official home quarantine.
  • if the medical examination does not establish a suspicion of infection, the person has a place of residence or stay in Hungary, 14 days in official home quarantine, if not available, 14 days in quarantine designated by the competent epidemiological authority,
  • At the request of the person, the epidemiological authority may authorize the quarantined person to: Within 5 days, at least 48 hours apart, participate twice in a molecular biology test (SARS-CoV-2 PCR test) according to the rules of health professionals to grant an exemption, in case of a negative test of the quarantine provision of the authority competent epidemiological gives an exemption.

Entry of foreigners into Hungary

According to the regulation

  • Non-Hungarian citizens cannot enter the territory of Hungary in passenger traffic.. In case of crossing the border at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport in Budapest, the competent local police body according to the place of entry, the BRFK XVIII. District Police Headquarters can grant an exemption upon request,
  • The police authority may authorize entry if the applicant proves that the purpose of the entry is a) participation in a judicial, official procedural act, b) business or other work for which an administrative body of the central government, an independent regulatory body or an autonomous body of the public administration justifies it c) access to medical attention by referral from a medical institution or other appropriate certificate, d) fulfillment of an obligation to study or examine on the basis of a student or pupil status, if this is certified by a certificate issued by the educational institution, e) related to transport activities traveling in passenger traffic for the purpose of traveling to the place of departure from the transport task (place of starting work) or returning home in passenger traffic after such work, if evidenced by a certificate issued by the employer, (f) family events (married (g ) take care of a relative, (h) attend a sporting, cultural or ecclesiastical event of great international importance, or (i) any other justifiable reason.
  • the application a) can only be filed electronically, it can be filed in Hungarian or English, b) it can also be filed by a legal representative or a proxy indicated in a power of attorney included in a private document with full probative value
  • if the entry takes place at the same time and the reason for entry is the same, if an authorization of the interested persons is attached, an application can be submitted on behalf of several authorized persons, it is sufficient to submit an application,
  • the licensee can undergo a medical examination during entry into Hungary, which he is obliged to tolerate. Anyone suspected of being infected by medical examination cannot enter Hungary.
  • In those who are not suspected of being infected during a medical examination, It will be placed in quarantine or official home quarantine designated by the competent epidemiological authority for 14 days.
  • At the request of the quarantined person, the competent epidemiological authority to issue the quarantine decision may authorize the quarantined person to: Participate in a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test twice in 5 days, at least 48 hours apart, according to the rules of healthcare professionals.. In the case of a negative test, the competent epidemiological authority to issue the quarantine decision gives an exemption.


According to the regulation

    • citizens of neighboring states and Hungarian citizens living there can enter the territory of Hungary within a distance of 30 kilometers from the state border for a maximum period of 24 hours,
    • a person residing in the territory of Hungary is obliged to stay within 30 kilometers of the state border of the territory of Hungary and is obliged to leave the territory of Hungary within 24 hours after entry,
    • Hungarian citizens living within 30 km of the state border of the territory of Hungary can enter the territory of the neighboring country without restrictions if they return. the duration of their stay abroad did not exceed 24 hours and they did not leave a strip of up to 30 kilometers from the state border in the neighboring country.

Affiliate Travelers

  • A person coming from abroad is from the territory of the states determined by the Minister responsible for public security to the territory of Hungary. you can enter without restriction if a senior official or employee of a company registered in one of the states designated by the Minister of the Interior or the Minister responsible for public security, which is also a company registered in at least one of the states designated by the Minister of Public Security. has a business relationship pursuant to Section 4 (23) of 2. Unrestricted entry pursuant to Section 1 may take place if the person referred to in Section 1 is likely to be traveling on business.

In addition to the above, the provisions regarding military convoys, competitors, sports professionals and participants in sporting events can also be read in the Hungarian Gazette of August 30.

Cover image: Getty Images
