these are the main legal norms in schools


On the first of September, that is, on Tuesday, the 2020-2021 study began, which will be very different from the previous ones due to the lightness caused by the new type of coronary disease. Both doctors and teachers must pay attention to the rules of the law, and they must be observed and observed, not only so that they get less sick, to avoid the greater intensity of the virus. Msrszt to avoid having to close schools because of vrus. Although the spring digital education was very successful, the children need help and the personal help of the teachers. As Minister Gergys Gulys, Minister Minister, said to the Government: “digitlis ton can be taught, but not educated.”

Gergely Gulys, minister in charge of the government on Friday, spoke about the beginning of education, the government is working to avoid the need to close schools and there is a legal environment for individual cases. . That is, to support a single needy schoolchild, or some, not all in the country.

Gergely Gulys will be chaired by the Minister and Alexandra Szentkirlyi will be present in the Government Press on August 28, 2020.Source: MTI / Zsolt Szigetvry

Done in practice, it collects that if infected people are found in a school, they can be locked up and digital education can be temporarily returned there.

At the same time, the government is working to avoid the temporary closure of schools if possible. In this regard, the Minister stated that Digitization can be taught, but digitization cannot be educated. This is also the work of the school.He added that it is also in the interest of the Hungarian economy that education works according to normal hours.

Gergely Gulys also insisted that Teachers working in schools in disadvantaged situations receive a supplement of HUF 500,000, which is paid in one day.

Like other foreign nationals, non-Hungarian citizens along Hungary’s borders also have the option of a limited border crossing, i.e. 30 kilometers per day, except Ukraine, which has reduced the total number of cheese-making citizens To six. Hungarian: dictators can go to Hungary to study in Hungary, without quarantine or tests.

Mandatory school masks, in the case of idiots and teachers, would not be decided, and such action would be quite foreign to educational institutions.

This could hardly be enforced, precautionary rules were introduced instead.

Don’t let those who suspect you go to elementary school!

The government’s information page on coronary heart disease also drew attention to legal measures related to starting school. It is rtk: Due to the imminent start of education, it is important to note that due to the legal situation, the responsibility of teachers and teachers has increased. Educators should pay more attention than usual to the health of both cheese and children, and the symptoms of coronary artery infection.

A school. The image is illustrative.Source: POLYK ATTILA – ORIGO

Highlight: If a child, caregiver, teacher or early educator transmits the symptoms of infection to a child, care must be taken to prevent it as soon as possible. The most important thing is that a sick, sick child should not be allowed to go to school or to vodka, because that endangers the health of the entire community and the proper functioning of the school or life. It was emphasized that the infected child should stay home and the pediatrician or family doctor should be contacted by phone.

If, in the doctor’s opinion, the child has a suspicion of infection, the doctor should follow the procedure issued by the National Center for National Health and initiate a laboratory examination. The result will determine future actions.

It is important that teachers and professors are aware of the symptoms of a good type of coronary virus infection, the most common of which are heat, frustration, and dryness. Some patients may experience muscle pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, shortness of breath. In addition, one of the characteristic symptoms of coronary artery infection is the alteration or loss of odor, which is usually the only symptom. – rtk.

If someone spreads the listed tnets on the child, in education, he or she will make sure that they do not allow the child to enter the community. In case of the slightest symptoms, do not let the child get involved! – hangslyoztk.

In addition, the objective is to raise awareness about the dangers of the law, the symptoms of the coronary artery, even in their oldest children – upper, secondary -, so that if they appear, they can also point it out to their students.

Educators and school and kindergarten staff are also instructed not to enter the company if any of the above symptoms are felt, instructing the director of the institution that to your neighborhood and contact your GP by phone.

In addition, it was called important that children are aware of the common and complete importance.

They mentioned that Schools and vodkas have been instructed on the rules to apply during the legal time. If a coronary artery appears in a school or vodka, the legal authority will conduct the contact investigation and take the necessary measures according to the usual procedure. If there is a risk of group disease in an institution, the Operative Trials Unit will decide the interventions.

Experience: encounters and personal relationships effectively support learning

Regarding the start of the school, Ferenc Szakl, specialist in international education, told Orign. Szakl said that the action plan received from the ministry helped the school a lot.

Szakl Ferenc PlSource: BUDAPESTEDU.HU

In the opinion of the specialist, many of the usual things and traditions of the school should be formed, and some should be abandoned, but the most important thing is that All members of the school community should be aware of the responsibility of cheese and carefully follow applicable local rules.

Ferenc Pl Szakl noted that the dictates and teachers did not meet in person on March 16, and one of the first steps in the new doctrine is to evaluate the effects of digital education, as it has been effective. some may have missed certain things, so they should focus on getting angry.

The remaining opportunities are also worth filling, for example: community programs, forestry school, field trips, projects, days, weekends and more.

The expert rated the personal meeting as especially important, because in addition to the level of social relationships, it also effectively supports the learning process.
