Coronavirus: the situation is difficult in France


More than 5,000 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in France in the past 24 hours, a day after the daily record of cases was broken since exit restrictions were lifted in May, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. night, according to the MTI.

The explosive increase in the number of new cases per day on Saturday has slowed somewhat on Saturday, but the spread of the virus remains intense.

After 5,429 on Wednesday, 6111 on Thursday and 7379 on Friday, 5,453 tests for coronavirus were positive on Saturday. The proportion of positive tests continued to rise, reaching 4 percent on Saturday. This rate was 3.6 percent at the beginning of the week and only 1.1 percent in July.

In the last 24 hours, six people died from Covid-19 infection, bringing the number of deaths to 30,602, while the number of hospital admissions fell by five across the country. At the same time, the number of people needing hospital care has increased in Paris and Marseille in southern France. Currently, four hundred patients need a ventilator, 13 more than on Friday.

Health authorities have also discovered 23 new epidemics in the last 24 hours.

According to health authorities, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic has increased somewhat in 53 out of 100 counties, but 21 are still considered red zones, which means that there are more than fifty people infected per 100,000 inhabitants (177 in Marseille and 177 in in Paris). 100), so the prefectures can order restrictive measures
