One of the largest faucets in the Fld came from an unforgettable location


Imagine that the light of an exploding star illuminates the sign shop. It would be a precarious act, which could lead to disaster; if it’s close enough, it may be the culmination of a mass extinction event. According to a group of researchers, supermarkets could hit the ground at least once.

The KS-Devonian extinction event 359 million years ago was one of the largest waves of extinction in the world, with some estimates that 79 species of the then-extinct species were lost. Until now, researchers couldn’t say what caused the disaster, but now staff at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigni have found an important clue; in the rocks formed between the Devonian and the Carboniferous, springs were preserved that could be obtained by means of a very strong ultraviolet radiation. This suggests that the zonrteg has collapsed for some reason. But what could have destroyed the shield of our planet?

Devonian period vegetation, with bran and horsetailsForrs: Zdenek Burian

Rays destroyed

Although volcanism and global warming can destroy the zonal layer all the way, researchers have found no evidence that either of these was a defining event in the late Devonian. It is also unlikely that the problem was caused by a meteor, solar, or gamma trap. These events are ending quickly, and it is hard to imagine that they will cause the permanent decline that characterized the end of the Devonian period. “ said Jesse Miller, a science journalist for PNAS.

Instead, experts suspect that the explosion of a star of about 65 books destroyed the zoning shield.

The nearby supernova meant a double tap. It first filtered the Earth with pure ultraviolet rays and gamma ray X-rays, and then it exposed the planet to cosmic rays for a long time. The processes that destroyed the plant and the zoning layer could take up to 100,000 vig.

For a long time, the supernova exposed the planet to cosmic rays.Forrs: MGA / AFP

This could turn out to be a supernatural perpetrator

Fossil evidence suggests that biodiversity is down by 300,000, which means more disasters, and not just one star. This is completely conceivable. Larger stars can usually be found in groups, so the explosion could have been followed by another supernatural one. “ Miller explained.

Supernva’s explosive line throws trmelkForrs: Greg Stewart, SLAC National Accelerator Lab

It is important to mention that we are only talking about one theory at the moment, but there is a method that could show that it has cracked down on the ground. To do this, two isotopes must be identified in rocks and fossils: plutnium-244-ts szamrium-146-t.

“Normally none of these can be found on Earth, they can only get here with cosmic explosions,” said Zhenghai Liu, who participated in the study.

The next step will be to search for research plutonium-244-samrium-146 in strata from the Devonian-Carboniferous period.

As far as the future is concerned, the closest star that will soon be destroyed by a superblind is the book Betelgeuse 600, thankfully far from that.

ABetelgeuse kpeForrs: AFP / –

The most important music in the studio is that the floor is not insulated. We are the shores of a larger cosmos, and the cosmos has an effect on our life, often inadvertent, but sometimes very rude. “ summarized Brian Fields, the study author.
