More than 25,000 people protest against the threat of Ferenc Gyurcsny


risi supports the fraud against the threat of Ferenc Gyurcsny, reported by more than 25,000 people on Saturday. As we understand it, our fallen minister threatened to seize the property of Attila Vidnynszky, the head and staff of the National Assembly, and through them to anyone who thinks of the world. Gyurcsny’s Bolshevik guy was threatened by the ITM announcement that Attila Vidnynszky had become the chairman of the board of directors of the foundation that maintained the University of Film and Technology. Rkay Philip from the article Ris echoes Gyurcsny’s threat. Later, after the reactions, he founded Petcit, which was joined by 301 artists and then, as they said, many of them joined.

The chairman of the board of directors of the University of Cinema and Sznhz was Attila Vidnynszky, director of Kossuths Mejerhold-djas, director of the National Sznhz. Then the leader of the left, Ferenc Gyurcsny, said on Facebook that if he came to power, Attilt Vidnynszky and his support, the personalities of the Hungarian cultural community, would make the ground, in every way.

Ferenc GyurcsnyForrs: Facebook

Alerts are from across the country.

Of course, petcit is sold in most cities, but the country comes from all over the world. According to statistics from in Budapest, the number of supporters is about 8,500, followed by the big cities (Pcs, Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Gyr, Szkesfehrvr). The number of cities is 25, but there are subsidies from cities to small towns, from the border to Târgu Mureş and London.

Gulys Gergely is alrta a petcit

Gergys Gulys, the governor on Friday, said in response to a question from the Hungarian nation that he had also protested. Faced with the large number of ministers, the minister in charge of the prime minister said it would be a nice performance if there were a protest against a political demonstration.

Gulys Gergely is alrta a petcitSource: MTI / Zsolt Szigetvry

The sentences that Ferenc Gyurcsny allowed himself to be threatened by the Hungarian art world belong to the most dictatorial period:

Said Gergely Gulys.

Rkay Philip: Gyurcsny and his spiritual ideals killed freedom

It was not today’s government press that killed freedom, but Ferenc Gyurcsny himself and his intellectual ideals, Rkay Philip said on TV2’s Mokka. Such thoughts should not be heard 30 years after the regime change, he added. Rkay finds it sad that no one on the left has decided on these brutal sentences, and the Momentum was in a rush to assure everyone that no one will hang from the lights. According to them, it was said that someone would be hanging there. I didn’t understand what was happening, he added.

“This methodology has no value, just a broad expression.”

Political science also characterizes the situation in which the Hungarian radical left found itself, the confusing and contradictory choice of the ideological httr, which practically means a kind of loss of soil, all young. Zoltn Lomnici spoke to Orign. According to the Szadadgg legal expert, one of the main reasons for this is that traditional left-wing ideological groups have formed, although they are not interested in the national system and practice of class struggle. it can credibly undertake the fight against the big bourgeois world.

According to the expert, the two types of political material that hold this unity together are the treatment of the nation concept as a historical “wild impulse”, and the irrational gyllet closely linked to it, everything and everyone who has a national identity.
This radical left-wing populism is not an ideology, but a more crudely communicative strategy that aligns more and more mistakes on the radical left – alignment and cohesion hnn – see hitchhiking, save video, threat to the public.This methodology has no value, just a broad and obscure expression, Jr. Lomnici Zoltn said.

Rkay Philip echoed the reaction in an article echoing Orignris’ response, which was later joined by 301 artists and entrepreneurs, and now has more than 25,000 followers across the country and beyond.

Petcit can be found here.
