Instead of Jobbik, all the opposition parties together designate László Bíró


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

According to the ruling of the Curia on Friday, László Bíró, the party politician, cannot stand in Jobbik’s colors in the VI provisional parliamentary elections in Borsod.

Instead, it appears that he will be the official candidate of all other opposition parties, according to Jobbik chairman Peter Jakab’s Facebook post on Saturday. In accordance with this, Judge officially received the required signature collection sheets on Saturday morning.

Following a complaint from Fidesz, the National Electoral Commission (whose decision was confirmed by the Curia on Friday) withdrew its registration as Jobbik’s nominating organization in constituency No. 6 in Borsod because it said the party’s registration representative had already he did not have a valid mandate to represent the organization.

Jobbik saw the decision as interference by Fidesz in the provisional elections, which decided the fate of two-thirds. Shortly after the verdict on the mansion, Jobbik issued a statement saying: “In an unprecedented way, the bodies serving Fidesz will not allow Jobbik, as the parliamentary party with the strongest opposition faction, to come forward. the October 11 elections, banning them, to officially support the opposition candidate, László Bíró. ”According to the party, Fidesz could block Jobbik’s name from the ballot, prohibiting them from“ officially standing in the elections, although this is unprecedented in the rule of law “, but no one can prohibit hundreds of right-wingers from campaigning and helping the opposition candidate, László Bíró.”

This is also indicated by Jakab’s post on Saturday, in which he writes that Jobbik “will help the opposition and László Bíró to win with hundreds of activists” in the elections held in the Tiszaújváros constituency due to the death of the former parliamentarian, Ferenc Koncz by Fidesz.

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