Here’s the end: Vidnyánszky can control the SZFE with manual control


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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The most important pending question about the future of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts has been decided: “All essential elements of its autonomy will be abolished,” the Senate said in a statement.

It was already known at the end of July that none of the SZFE candidates had been admitted to the university’s board of trustees, which would be maintained by the foundation in a few days, and it was recently revealed that he was not on the supervisory board either. The chairman of the board of directors of the Foundation for Theater and Film Arts was Attila Vidnyánszky, who has long criticized and harshly rated the university’s professors and students, and who already has an influence on the entire Hungarian acting education ; but the other members are also linked to the government side. Until now, however, it was unclear exactly how much influence this university-rejected board of trustees wanted to have in its internal affairs.

Photo: Márton Mónus / MTI / MTVA

The result even exceeded his pessimistic expectations: “according to the new owner’s intentions, as of September 1, the Senate, the university’s main decision-making body, will stop

  • cannot decide on its own rules,
  • you can’t interfere with the budget,
  • cannot adopt your institutional development plan,
  • you cannot elect the rector of the university,
  • he does not have the right to independently appoint the directors of institutes and teachers, to start classes. “

These rights belong to the board chaired by Vidnyánszky in the future.

In practice, this also means that they can say which classes to start and who to teach, who to take a leadership position in college, or where their money can be spent. So far, these decisions have been made by the Senate, which has democratically elected members of university citizens, professors, students, and shop stewards. The Senate elected László Upor as rector last November, but his official appointment has been blocked by the ministry, so it will be the responsibility of the board of directors.

According to the Senate statement, “the Board did not take into account the basic documents prepared and approved by the University management, sent two weeks before at the request of the Ministry of Maintenance, and did not accept the University’s invitation to the conciliation meeting. August 28. meeting. ”

Vidnyánszky and the other four curators, national actor Zoltán Rátóti, producer Lajos Tamás, and two top MOL executives, have not contacted the university in any way in the last almost a month. The meeting could have been organized by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology on Thursday, when the university leadership, students and representatives of the foundation were invited to a meeting. The ministry said Friday morning that “the university was represented only by the rector at the meeting. The head of the institution, acting as rector, resigned from his appointment two hours before the start of the conciliation, citing another busy schedule. The head of the Student Self-Government also indicated his absence to the conciliation.

The Senate statement did not address the reasons for the absence, but it is hardly the case that university representatives were unable to make time for the meeting due to their busy duties. The Student Self-Government stated from the beginning that it did not consider the board of trustees legitimate, but the SZFE leadership could have no illusions about the meaning of the negotiations. After all, their suggestions have been ignored until now, and this time it turned out that the so-called Vidnyánszky arrived with the papers already signed for the agreement. However, the Senate writes that “the leadership of the SZFE has been informed by the Ministry in all previous meetings that these documents will be final through negotiation and conciliation as of September 1.”

SZFE students protest in Kossuth SquarePhoto: urfip

Vidnyánszky, who made a statement on behalf of the board of directors, told the MTI on Thursday that “ the statute and the organizational and operational rules, effective as of September 1, 2020, have been delivered, based on the current organization of the university and ensuring full autonomy in accordance with the Constitution. “It formulated the infrastructural development of the university, expanding the university’s capabilities, building international relationships, and closer cooperation with the profession as priority tasks. In a spirit of continuous dialogue, the board of trustees initiated a consultation with the management of the university on September 1, the day of the transfer of the rights of the maintainers, wrote Vidnyánszky.

The Senate sent a letter to the Board of Trustees this Friday “declaring that it will continue to comply with the written guarantees of university autonomy.”

Hundreds of well-known artists protested against the occupation of the university, but even Vidnyánszky was in his own company, which he resigned for it, and in his national Fidesz circles, his cult actor, Péter Blaskó, called his boss’s methods flawed. The students announced their second demonstration on Monday in front of the university. His call begins, “Come celebrate the last 155 years with us! Who knows what tomorrow will bring. “

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