Half a Million Educators: Not a Grant, Teachers Must Apply


Contrary to the words of Minister Emmi Miklós Kásler, this is not a one-time benefit of 500,000 gross HUF for teachers, but a task-related tender, funded by the European Union, writes the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) on its website .

10,500 teachers working in 400 disadvantaged settlements will receive a one-time gross allocation of 500,000 florins, Minister Miklós Kásler announced on Thursday in a video posted on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Human Resources. However, according to the PDSZ, there is no “support” in the words of Minister Kásler:

The call for proposals EFOP-3.1.11-19 announced within the framework of the Human Resources Development Operational Program is the amount to be committed for the execution of a task.

The recipient of the HUF 6.43 billion grant is the Klebelsberg Center, which maintains the schools, with which the selected teacher enters into a bilateral agreement to implement a set of requirements listed on a page and a half in their lessons.

This project might be basically remarkable, but it seems weirder: Tasks include tasks like:

In the context of the school year, teachers and educators should therefore pay particular attention to strengthening the skills necessary to participate in digital education; rebuild the community; strengthen responsibility and self-image; to develop individual motivations, to reinforce the “joy of learning”

– writes on his website the PDSZ.

The application does not contain any methodological recommendations, but provides a “lesson related interface” in the Cretan system, in which it can be indicated whether or not a given lesson has been delivered with the expected approach in the project. ” According to the PDSZ, it is difficult to decide if it is now a bunny camel or a sweater-shaped bunny camel.

What is certain, however, is that this is by no means a simple help, as Mr. Kásler wrote in his video interview.

The program imposes disproportionately high demands on participating teachers in exchange for a net amount of around HUF 300,000, for which competencies, knowledge-sharing methodologies, and the budget does not appear to be sufficient for this to happen.

The union also draws attention to the obligation to reimburse. This is because the “Kassler subsidy” must be reimbursed, in part or in full, if the institution did not meet certain “indicators” eg. Eg “compared to the rate recorded in the semester of the previous school year” the rate of school absences increased.

Rather, the program seems to be a quick start in the form we see so far: in one fell swoop, they can say that they are addressing the needs of lagging regions and lo and behold, educators have been given some money as well. . defenders say.

The PDSZ already finds the solution very unfortunate and damaging that the government rarely rewards some employees up to a certain amount. This is bad practice. Especially when the basic element of their demands is the principle promised and enshrined in the law both by Fidesz and by the government, according to which the items in the teacher’s salary table must increase in line with the current minimum wage.
