Gergely Gulyás: As of September 1, a foreign citizen cannot enter the territory of Hungary


Gergely Gulyás, the Prime Minister’s minister, announced that the border protection rules applied during the first wave would return. The second wave has started, and morbidity data reminiscent of March are typical across Europe: the number of infections is growing rapidly everywhere, including in Hungary, he told Government Information on Friday.

Our article has been updated.

The virus also endangers the economy, employment and a smooth start to school, emphasized Gergely Gulyás, emphasizing that the safety of the most vulnerable older people must be guaranteed at the same time, children preparing to start school and the proper functioning of the economy must be safe.

The minister said the second wave of the epidemic had started in Europe, with daily infection data reminiscent of late March and April in many ways. The number of infected people has also increased in Hungary, but the country is still better off, he added.

Gergely Gulyás also said that the extension of the credit moratorium is being negotiated, there is still no decision, but the issue is on the agenda.

Border protection regulations applied during the first wave are back

Due to the evolution of the situation of the coronavirus epidemic, the government has decided to return to the border protection regulations applied during the first wave of the epidemic, announced Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, at a press conference.

Therefore, as a general rule, as of September 1, a foreign citizen cannot enter the territory of Hungary, only with justified exceptions.

He explained.

He said that according to the previous regulations, the entry of military convoys and the passage through the humanitarian corridor are still assured.

The purpose of closing the borders is to guarantee security within the country so that life can pass in a normal channel, he emphasized, adding that most infections are of foreign origin and the risk of introduction is greater.

At 7 am on Saturday the Border Control Action Group will meet, in which the Prime Minister will also participate together with the Minister of Defense and the Minister of the Interior. He stressed that after its introduction, the biggest danger was that if borders were closed, the virus could be kept under control by following rules at home, including wearing a mask, keeping your distance and washing your hands. This is of interest to all of us, especially considering that school will start on September 1 and they hope that the Hungarian economy can continue to function within the normal framework.

The government has also decided to donate 50 ventilators to Ukraine, specifically Transcarpathia, to have this type of equipment in all health facilities.

Regarding whether the reintroduction of the shopping bar for over 65s is on the agenda, he said it is not yet, the rules now adopted will definitely be in effect for a month. The data from the national consultation will be evaluated in mid-September and this will provide an opportunity to make new decisions, the ministry head said.

It is okay for managers to reveal that they are infected

The minister in charge of the prime minister said that he had conducted two tests himself, which came back negative, so he was able to attend the government meeting on Friday.

Gergely Gulyás also spoke about the fact that two members of the government, Judit Varga and her, were present at the private event over the weekend, where they met István Hollik. Viktor Orbán does not give life advice to his ministers: he replied if the prime minister had not mentioned whether they had attended so many high-profile events. He also mentioned that they do not keep records of how many government representatives, ministers and secretaries of state have been quarantined. If a minister, a secretary of state cannot work, it is correct to make it public, that is why he did it, he said.

Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi pointed to an additional suggestion: she was not at Saturday’s event where István Hollik, Fidesz’s communications director, had not been involved in the contact investigation.

Emmi does not prohibit, but does not recommend, celebrating the opening of the school year

Responding to a journalist’s question, Gergely Gulyás said that the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) does not recommend holding large opening ceremonies of the school year in the current situation, modern technology provides an opportunity for directors and heads of institutions to send your messages to students. The ministry has made recommendations to schools and there should be no financial barriers to precautionary measures, the minister said. Based on the government’s decision, each school will have the opportunity to decide to close the institution in the event of a more serious number of infections.

He emphasized that the aim was to allow education to develop within a normal framework.

The minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office emphasized that the online education system had unexpectedly passed the exam, but in addition to education, there is also a need for education, which is significantly less available digitally, so it is important that schools operate according to normal hours.

It is possible to make national class trips, in each case it must be preceded by individual consideration – added Gergely Gulyás.

When asked when educators dealing with disadvantaged students will receive the 500,000 HUF allocation, he said he expected as soon as possible. They are usually forwarded within a month if such a decision is made, he said.

Domestic tourism continues to be promoted and measures so strict that, with few exceptions, mean a total closure of the border so that life can flow normally within the country’s borders, he said.

Gergely Gulyás emphasized:

It is necessary to guarantee the safety of the most vulnerable older people and children who are preparing to start school at the same time, and to know the proper functioning of the economy.

You answered the question about foreign students studying in Hungary: a negative test will be needed to establish a higher education student right.

Healthcare prepares for the second wave

With regard to the testing costs of returnees from abroad, the Hungarian government has not borne these costs since August 1, adding that from September 15 the same will apply in Germany, which is significantly more rich than Hungary.

In response to a question about the quarantine rules, the Minister emphasized that the quarantine ordered for the investigation of contacts may not apply if the person in question produces 2 negative tests in 2 days. He emphasized that in the investigation of contacts, the state pays the costs, since this situation is beyond the fault of the interested party. He emphasized that nothing makes it difficult for Hungarian citizens to travel abroad, but strict rules apply when traveling home.

He also spoke about coronavirus tests that are carried out according to the WHO rules. He added that quite a few tests have been done, the practice so far has proven its worth and will be followed in the future. In contrast to the spring situation, Hungarian health care was prepared to face the challenge posed by the epidemic and the conditions are now in place, he said. He added that strict control of the use of the mask is important.

Gergely Gulyás answered no to the question of whether the tightening of medical care is on the agenda due to the epidemic situation. Tomorrow there will be 8,000 beds available if necessary, she said.

The Minister answered questions related to the differences in the purchase of fans and the prices of fans: the fan market in the pandemic “turbulence” was and everyone was happy to buy and the prices were not marketable. Hungary ordered devices whenever possible, otherwise it would not have acted with due care. And the marketability of the machines has not decreased, so they can be sold, which is not necessary, he said. As far as he knows, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is already conducting such negotiations.

He said about collecting signatures against Ferenc Gyurcsány’s statements about Attila Vidnyánszky and the entire right-wing intelligentsia:

He added that he also signed the petition.

I miss your bondage picnic

On the fact that the celebration of the festive week of the book does not have the support of Cecília Müller, the national medical chief, Gergely Gulyás said that it is correct to act with the utmost caution. The minister confirmed a new suggestion: he will miss this year’s bond meeting in early September.

In relation to the Super Cup final that will be played on September 24 at the Puskás Arena, which according to FC Bayern Munich fencer and Sevilla fencer Gergely Gulyás, tickets will be awarded to 6,000 foreign fans. There are plans for now, the operator strain will finalize the rules. According to these rules, foreign fans must submit two negative tests two days before departure in order to enter the country. They are transported from the airport to the stadium and vice versa, minimizing risks. The government is negotiating the details with UEFA, depending on the current position, every third place will be filled in the stadium.

Holidays are everyone’s private business

He asked: only Prime Minister Viktor Orbán can account for his own vacation, otherwise, the vacation is considered a private matter. In any event, the prime minister complied with more calls from Lake Balaton and fewer from the Adriatic, he said. He confirmed: Family leave for members of the government is a private matter.

According to the minister, Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó has complied with the legislation so far and will continue to do so. In a crisis situation, the state administration should be ready to help, he said about a question exploring the possibility of a central office in the State Department. Regarding Péter Szijjártó’s vacation in the Adriatic, the minister also said that Hungarian rules on conflict of interest are among the strictest in Europe.

László Bíró made unacceptable statements

Regarding the opposition candidate who is running for the partial elections of Tiszaújváros, the head of the ministry said: according to the government side, the candidate made unacceptable anti-Semitic statements, but the left and the mayor considered them acceptable.
