Macron said it makes no sense to close borders between countries


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Decision-makers hope to make mandatory mask use universal by slowing the growing spread of the epidemic.

“Wearing a mask is a reasonable obligation that we have to accept for a while,” Head of State Emmanuel Macron said during a visit to a pharmaceutical factory in Paris on Friday. “Like you, I do not like to wear a mask, it is confusing, uncomfortable,” admitted the president.

“But the worst thing would be to let the virus spread faster now, and that would inevitably lead to more quarantines and production stoppages,” Macron stressed.

The French president called for European coordination on the reintroduction of travel restrictions.

It does not make sense to close the borders between countries when the zones of active propagation can be well identified.

Rather, a common approach should be used to identify and manage hotspots within a country, “stressed the French president.

According to Macron, “there is still work to be done to improve coordination. We will work on this in the coming days,” said the president, asking EU countries not to repeat the mistakes of March on the issue. in the fight against the virus and its spread, ”said the French president.

Cover image source: MTI / EPA / Pool / Christophe Simon
