Orbán named the enemy instead


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Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addressed the economic and social crisis unfolding on Kossuth Radio on Friday morning. politician treatment. He spoke little about his practical treatment, recommending public or military work to job seekers and a playground for women, but explained a lot about why the population was nervous.

When Gergely Karácsony spoke about the mayor, he gave an illustrated discussion of the theoretical about the kind of man who can’t put furniture together, who just comes to slaughter pigs for dinner and writes studies instead of going there and putting them in order.

When the verdict of the segregated school in Gyöngyöspata arrived, he noticed that a minority He could not tell the majority how to live, and he was reminded that the perspectives of the natives were the most important, not the population that came later. The latter are assisted by György Soros’ well-paid lawyers, who continued the record of the majority-minority opposition. He told the highest judges of the Hungarian judiciary that they do not see outside the city center, they do not know what is happening in the field and therefore their judgments should not be accepted either.

It has reappeared that the EU would force Hungary to receive immigrants, and the country must continue to be protected from attack by a major international conspiracy.

Elsewhere, happy fires are lit at times like this, but let’s be careful, “Orbán said of the epidemic.

With these findings, he has set an important direction: The government is not expected to build communication in the coming period when we have defended him very defensively against the coronavirus and thank you for your cooperation and pride together, but to focus on the enemies, the viewers, minorities. , Serial people, refugees, international background. We will also face the EU, the Soros, the demanding gypsies, the foreigners, our own courts.

This is a direct continuation of the government’s communication so far, even before the outbreak of the epidemic, these issues remained on the agenda (in addition to the prison business). In this sense, it means the normalization of life that when a real danger diminishes, the government returns to the demons that it painted on the wall.

But this is happening in a new situation. Many Hungarians will suffer in the coming months. It is impossible to escape the recession of the world economy, even if the Hungarian government solves internal problems with the most ingenious measures.

In February, at a conference in Rome, Orbán said the following about the connection between his own power and the economic situation: “Economic success is the only way to survive for conservative national leaders and Christian Democrats. If that doesn’t work, if a conservative political leader makes a mistake and the economic indicators drop, they will kill him the next morning. ” Based on this, a situation may develop in Hungary in the fall, which, according to the Prime Minister’s risk analysis, could lead to his downfall.

Viktor Orbán at the far-right sovereign conference on national conservatism in Rome on February 4.Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI / AFP

Experiencing Orbán’s potential anxiety, Friday’s statement could be especially important in understanding how he will want to fight if the crisis hits his popularity. According to Friday’s radio talk, it may be the direction you choose to deflect your spirits rather than dampen them.

In all parts of the world, those who earned the most lost their jobs the most because of the epidemic, because most office workers were able to do their work from home, but those who were tied to their closed jobs were left unemployed with a lot of them. The prime minister’s most important goal may be that his tension does not turn into anger at the government.

Therefore, he could have chosen the tactic of changing his temper against intellectuals, capitalists, smart, with foreign funds, legal figures, offices and gypsies. What may be really new about this is that the people’s anger is expected to be stronger than ever since the formation of the Orbán government. Therefore, enemy training now has a greater share than in quieter times.

Since the formation of the Orbán government, it has been building its political identity and campaigns to fight enemies. The enemy is becoming more concrete and getting closer. It started with the faceless IMF, which most of the population didn’t even know what it was about. Then came the overload, which everyone knew but was not a living man, so it was safe to hate him. Then came the immigrants, who are already human, it was possible to show on television the dangerous, ragged and dark-skinned people who shake the fence, despite the fact that there are hardly any in Hungary. They were joined by bureaucrats in Brussels, some Western politicians, and György Soros, who are already personally identifiable but physically distant people, and their hatred did not threaten serious tensions within Hungarian society, let alone violence. Now we are starting to reach out to people who really live in Hungarian society. The circle of people presented as enemies can be identified, and therefore abused.

Orbán spoke of them as dangerous, for example, due to their parole, their parasitism or their ills financed from abroad, but he personally helps to overcome them. “Anger is legitimate, but I am at your side in your anger,” said the prime minister. If this is how the government wants to drive tempers into the fall, instead of cushioning them, months of tension will ensue.

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