The government may decide to open Budapest, but instead they turned to Gergely Karácsony, who is a guy who can’t even put together any furniture.


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There seems to be some stuttering on the part of the government about whether to open Budapest or not. Although the theme of Wednesday’s government meeting was whether to relax in the capital and in the affected Pest County, similar to the countryside, in the end no decision was made about Budapest. Instead, the government turned to mayors to find out what they wanted. Which is an interesting solution because mayors do not officially receive detailed data on the district’s epidemic situation.

It is not entirely clear when the government expects mayors to be in an epidemic situation and when not. At the start of the epidemic, mayors were explicitly prohibited from imposing curfew restrictions if the virus appeared in the settlement.

However, when the government should have decided to prevent many people from leaving their homes during the long Easter weekend, such as neighboring countries, to increase the risk of the virus spreading, Orbán did not squeeze after long doubts. Instead, at the last minute, Thursday afternoon, he let the mayors take care of the situation.

Several people took the opportunity, the most popular excursion places were closed, in Budapest, for example, Mayor Gergely Karácsony also included Margaret Island and the Shipyard.

Mayors also surpassed the government by making it mandatory in several places to wear a mask or mask on public transport or in stores. The government, despite measures taken by many countries, refused to do so for a long time, only in conjunction with rural relaxation.

Mayors were only given the opportunity for further adjustment for a few weekends, and were unable to decide on relaxation at all. The rules can still be decided by the government. Based on data of which only a fraction is public.

The detailed numbers are in the possession of the operating tribe and are outwardly protected by fear. However, these could be used to find out the true spread of the epidemic in a settlement. It spreads in closed communities (hospitals, nursing homes) or even infects crowds by sweeping streetcars 4-6.

It is a regular argument that all the data on ​​is above. But it could even be read from those data that Zala County should be closed immediately, because the number of infected people increased by 90 percent in two weeks, in Budapest by just 16 percent. In the past two days, more new infections have been found in Zala’s 268,000 counties than in Budapest’s 1.7 million. (30 in Zala, 27 in Budapest.)

Details are not on the website. After being asked, it turned out that the virus was spreading in nursing homes in Zala, as in the capital. In the state and municipalities.

Likewise, there is a total lack of data on the percentage of infected people who contracted the virus in medical care, either as patients or as health workers. One presentation found that 30 percent of cases are related to medical care.

Several outbreaks of the epidemic were one hospital at a time, and presumably the virus could have entered the nursing home from here without being screened for residents who had been hospitalized for some other problem, infected there, and then returned to the home of seniors.

But these minor epidemics remained within the walls, without spreading en masse outside the institution.

At the same time, the number of cases in a municipality or district is so discarded that without detailed data it is impossible to decide whether to open it or not.

Christmas requested this information first from the government and then from operational personnel, but did not receive it. Meanwhile, his position has changed on whether to open in Budapest. When the government announced rural relaxation, Christmas even said restrictions still needed to be maintained in the capital. An opening party program has been developed for this, but he emphasizes that he does not know the details of the epidemic and that the government has an opportunity to relax the rules anyway. This was translated from the government side so that his opinion is unknown. Since then, Christmas hasn’t gotten the word out that it would open up. However, the government has not yet decided.

Viktor Orbán had previously made the death toll a condition for relaxation in Budapest. Diminished

As with active cases.

In today’s radio interview, Orbán said that “the evolution of the number of infections shows that the conditions for the resumption of life are also present in Budapest, all we have to do is act responsibly and comply with certain things”. Staying at home is no longer responsible behavior, but keeping a protective distance and covering your face and wearing a mask on public transport and in restaurants. If it succeeds, there will be no problem in Budapest either. ”

But he did not announce the reopening. According to him, the question is not simple, because “Budapest has a high population density and the possibility of correcting bad decisions is the most difficult here. If loosening recovers infection, isolation is relatively easy in a town, city, or even a district. But if we are not disciplined enough in Budapest, and after the relief the infection starts to grow again, then we cannot physically separate the districts, then we have to correct it throughout Budapest. Then Budapest will return to where we want to start. ”

Therefore, it still wants to consult with experts advising the government on Saturday morning, then with operational personnel, and then announced early Saturday afternoon.

Then came the part where he introduced Gergely Karácsony as a person underfoot, inadequate for everything, which, for the people of the countryside to understand, comes to the slaughter of pigs for dinner, but it is better that way.

“Everyone has to behave responsibly, this is true for both mayors and the mayor, because managing a nursing home still imposes a great responsibility on them and is not in an easy position. You are also familiar with this guy. Somehow there are born theoretical people, and born practical people. If that person marries the family, you can be sure that they will have to go through to put together the furniture they bought. Or for the countrymen to understand what I’m talking about when there’s a pig slaughter, this guy comes over for dinner. But nobody cares about that, because at least he’s not underfoot while the others are working. So the theoretical people are writing great studies, the mayor will also write a great study on infections in the nursing home on Pest Road, no doubt about it, but more than 40 people have died in the process. So if, for example, the mayor of István Tarlós is the mayor, he goes there, gets up, takes the defense and puts it in order. So I also ask all of you, the mayors of the theoretical type, to be practical now and to take practical responsibility, because that is a precondition for the success of the opening. No one can take half responsibility.

So these theoretical types of people turned to the government instead of making a decision on Wednesday.

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