The end of the home office: the government spoke


The emergency situation due to the coronavirus has increased the use of telework and the central office in Hungary, the possibilities of which are fully guaranteed by Hungarian regulations, said Sándor Bodó, State Secretary for Employment Policy of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) . Companies can decide at their own discretion when, in the second phase of protection, a gradual restart of life, when, in which circle to reintroduce work on the job.

While the epidemic is present in Hungary, it is important to take precautions against infection: the MTI quotes the politician.

Workers in the world of work can successfully adapt to challenges with flexible employment opportunities. It is worthwhile for companies to opt for teleworking, taking into account their areas of activity, operational characteristics and the jobs of their employees, if this does not constitute an obstacle to the performance of the tasks of the employees.

Reducing the number of face-to-face encounters is an important means of reducing the risk of infection, so teleworking is also recommended to protect health, if possible. If the experience of the past few months is favorable and the long-term viability of companies and the performance of employees are not compromised by teleworking, it may be useful to continue this good practice.

However, from the outset, the provisions regarding the restriction of leaving the first mention of work as a valid reason for leaving home. Companies are therefore free to decide reintroduction of work at work.

There are no specific rules for working from home in the Labor Code, so there are no restrictive provisions. The home office institution is also becoming increasingly popular with employers, during which the employer transfers power to determine the workplace to the employee, so the employee has the right to decide on it. Employers can establish detailed rules for working from home in an agreement with the employee or make them available in their internal regulations.

Sándor Bodó added that the use of labor protection wage subsidies is not affected by these forms of employment, help to preserve jobs can also be requested after teleworking and working from home. The government is committed to protecting jobs, with the support of the measures of the Economic Protection Action Plan and the flexible regulations of labor legislation.
