Orbán’s journey from conspiracy theories to real conspiracies


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There is a way of thinking about a topic:

One should not look at the world through conspiracy theory spectacles because it results in a bunker, a double deck, and people cannot live bunker-minded and behind a double deck. (Viktor Orbán, December 30, 2011)Then a little time passes, and we see the same thing differently, with the enthusiastic assistance of public service radio:

Public Service Radio Worker: Do you think it is a coincidence that the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities on the Röszke transit area was published on the same day that this particular plenary debate on the Hungarian rule of law took place?

The Prime Minister of Hungary: Unfortunately, I am no longer young enough to believe this. Perhaps if you were to ask this a few years ago, generally in the Hungarian people or in a benevolence towards the European institutions, Brussels, you would have replied that, of course, we are not looking for conspiracy theories. But now I’m not that young anymore, and I’ve seen a lot of things, and it seems to me that the dates of the Brussels bureaucrats would coincide by accident, a coordinated attack. “(Viktor Orbán on Kossuth Radio, May 15, 2020)

The trip I took wasn’t really that bumpy. This is not the article when we took it out, as Orbán said even as a liberal in the early 1990s, compared to the strong contrast it has now. We only go back 11 years in time and go from there to Orbán’s radio statement in May, in which he talks about politicians hanging on a “umbilical cord into which György Soros pumps life fluids”.

“The attitude approach to conspiracy theories”

11 years ago, on November 10, 2009, Viktor Orbán delivered a speech at the presentation of the book “Our place in the world”. It was a unique occasion, together they will not be together in that circle again, two thirds of the book’s authors (László Csaba – Géza Jeszenszky – János Martonyi) have become strong critics of Orbán, and János Martonyi has withdrawn from politics .

Here, referring to the authors, Orbán also mentioned the approach “the world is united against the Hungarians” as one of the two dangerous extremes of Hungarian public thought.

In sharing the authors’ views, Orbán said he mentioned two approaches. One is that “in Hungarian history, only problems, failures and plagues are noted, as if something inevitable was the fate of the Hungarians, that is, as if the world were united against it.

This is also called conspiracy theory, which does not mean that those who suffer from conspiracy theory cannot be persecuted and sworn against them, of course. But still, perhaps, as a view of history, this kind of “everyone is against us”
and this is necessarily, even fatefully, this thought undoubtedly distorts, and furthermore encourages slack, because if it is, then in nesting hell we should be playing with understanding of little details.

The other extreme that the authors mention in relation to Trianon in public thought, I can summarize it in a classic sentence, the merits of the left should not be discussed, it sounds like “dare we be small!”, Said the president of Fidesz in autumn from 2009.

As a lesson, Orbán, who was already the sure winner of the 2010 elections, said that “without a doubt both extremes and the foreign policy derived from them can only lead us to a dead end, because both are far from reality, far from people and also moves away from common sense. These two mentalities move away from people because one tells you to give up, to try to be different or to look different from yourself. And also to move away from the people who they say that they have all conspired against you, that you have no chance against doom. If we feel today, ladies and gentlemen, that Hungarians cannot find their place in the world, then these two extreme approaches and the politics based on them must be mentioned first among the reasons. ”

The West did not understand the Hungarian communists

From this fund, by 2020 Orbán has managed to create a new vision of the world that, although the world is still in a great conspiracy against the Hungarians, under the leadership of Orbán, the Hungarians will not leave.

The core of this was already there in the 2009 speech: “In the past century we have allowed Hungary (…) others to designate our place in the world. (…) The policy of giving up is from the beginning choosing your own place. And the misfortune approach that produces conspiracy theories also assumes that our place has already been designated by others anyway. (…) But one, at least I believe in this, can also choose with common sense than assuming oneself, respecting others, defending their own interests and fighting for them with honor. ”

The conspiracy is already a fact

Orbán left the subject for a long time, so when he mentioned it again, he would replace the centuries-old conspiracy theories with a much simpler, bottom-up world explanation, Soros, setting it all up as facts:

“I wouldn’t get involved in such conspiracy theories, I’m just telling the facts.”

– Orbán declared on Kossuth Radio on May 25, 2016, and then explained in more detail: “The Hungarian opposition force lags behind the political influence of the Hungarian organizations financed by György Soros. It is a background power, they have not been elected by anyone, yet they constantly seek political influence and influence political decision-making according to the natural rules of a democracy. Well, the money goes to these organizations, to these public forums, mainly through the György Soros fund power system. This is not only the case in Hungary, but also in other Central European countries. We don’t talk about it, we don’t mention it now, it was raised by President Clinton, so I think it’s a good idea to finally talk about this, who, how, how and what influence do Americans finance in Hungary? they want to practice here. “

And ever since, the Hungarian Prime Minister has gotten deeper into his thicket, mixing with Soros the migration that is being organized by someone and in some way also the United States of Europe:

“If migrants from the Muslim world could wait for help from somewhere, it would only be the other Muslim countries in a better way, but we see that no, they are not allowed to enter there. Australia will not allow them. Russia will not allow it. China also has a very clear policy of rejecting migration. Illegal migration and smuggling exist today across Europe solely and exclusively in Europe.

And I do not consider it to be a conspiracy theory that if one affirms that if something in the world exists solely and exclusively here, it must have a clear explanation.

I believe in finding this in what we call the United States of Europe, which sees both nations and the Christian tradition as a disadvantage and an obstacle. He doesn’t want to build on that and that, he wants to open something completely new. “(November 9, 2017, Viktor Orbán at the VII meeting of the Council of the Hungarian Diaspora)

They also passed a law on the conspiracy exposed

A few months later, on March 30, 2018, Kossuth announced a conspiracy that had already been uncovered on the radio.

In fact, he referred to the fact that Soros employs 2,000 mercenaries in Hungary, whose goal is to overthrow his government and form a new pro-immigration government that is also in line with Soros. Orbán referred to SorosLeaks, published at the Hungarian time under the name of Zsolt Bayer, in which it was reported that Soros had spent billions of dollars on his 2,000 Hungarian mercenaries. To put it mildly on the soundtrack, it wasn’t entirely said, but perhaps it can also be said that it was a great fake. However, the Observer began listing the 2,000 Soros agents in Hungary, and Orbán also said that according to information, reports and analysis, “we know exactly, by name, who they are, how and how they work to make Hungary a country. immigrant”.

The prime minister said the government had passed a “Stop Soros” package of bills to parliament because of the Soros network, which classifies immigration as a national security problem and causes the functioning of organizations working on this area is subject to state licenses. Because you have to defend yourself against Soros’ attacks. The law, which begins as a far-right joke and ends with a constitutional amendment, would punish civilians who help refugees with prison. Due to the law, the European Commission notified the Hungarian government.

Going back to the radio interview, Orbán pulled this from this raw material, starting with Soros and migration, through drug liberalization, to Brussels at the Soros mercenary, and then to Soros’s wallet:

“One after another, credible information and sound recordings have come to light that are being delivered by the same Soros Army officers. So there are people who join the international network who can describe themselves as György Soros in an important position and do significant work, and they have told them what they are doing themselves.

So if someone has not wanted to believe me so far, or did not want to believe in conspiracy theories, did not want to believe in politicians, now they can hear with their own ears, see with their own eyes what is happening. ”

In Orbán’s mind, Soros’ PLAN was already so big. Of the partial information already On March 30, 2018, he presented the big picture on Kossuth Radio, which is spread across the world, attacking nations and Christianity, but of course in the end Soros is enriched:

“The mechanism is not complicated. The mechanism seems to first organize activists funded by György Soros, then consolidate these activists into so-called NGOs, non-governmental organizations, and then these organizations officially act on goals and issues that belong to the ideology of the György Soros empire. The most important of these now is the question of immigration, how to make Europe a continent of immigrants. This, of course, is presented in a humanitarian approach, but the goal is to end Europe, which until now has been based on Christian nations and principles, replacing European life, or at least bringing tens of millions more to us, and changing its human base in Europe. culture.

But there are other issues, these did not arise in the campaign, but drug liberalization always includes, in addition to traditional family models, it also includes the promotion of new family models, everything we call an open society, that set of Lawsuits appear in the information now published.

Then, once these NGOs are formed, they will attack governments that are against immigration, they will protect the traditional family, who do not want to open them, but want to protect their own world. These attacks are launched. They provoke popular movements and emotions against these political forces and governments. They are being built in Brussels, because European policy is now being implemented not only in the capitals of the Member States, but also in Brussels. From there, they put pressure on the selected countries, in this case also Hungary, and then, by influencing the elections, they want pro-immigration and pro-Soros parliamentarians to enter parliament, a government of this type is formed and then they are integrated into these governments. We could hear in these recordings how it happens. They take important positions there and transform these countries very well, step by step, in the end, of course, the commercial benefits of operating the entire country or the countries in question go to György Soros, because ultimately we are talking about the world of a financial speculator.

He also showed his conspiracy experience abroad

Orbán later joined the conspiracy against Hungary at an international press conference in January 2019, which is not a theory but a practice:

“The fact that, in peacetime, when there is no election campaign, continually depreciating Hungary for professional reasons that are difficult to explain, it is difficult not to see a trend in this. I do not believe in conspiracy theories, but. I will honestly tell you that if you allow one more comment, it might have hurt a little more than it should, because it’s not about the government. ” (January 10, 2019, Viktor Orbán international press conference.)

He also presented his views on the actual processes taking place in the background before an expert audience in September 2019 in Italy, at the invitation of the Italian Brothers against immigration, which was broadcast on Hungarian public television.

“I know a lot of people will be accused of conspiracy theory, but I confess firmly, I have seen it, and it is my experience that the left really does import voters when it imports migrants.”

They will be granted citizenship sooner or later, immigrants will become voters, they will be Muslim and they will never support a policy based on Christianity. This means that if many immigrants come to Europe, the chances are reduced and, in the end, the chances of obtaining a majority in Europe on a Christian basis and obtaining the right to the Christian right to rule are eliminated. The left knows it, and that’s why it does it, “Orbán said.

Soros also benefits from the epidemic

This is how we came to the conspiracy that Soros not only organizes migration, but naturally also wants to benefit from the epidemic, so he attacks Hungarians.

In 2012, Viktor Orbán saw the relationship between the crisis and the loans that followed, rejecting the conspiracy theory so as not to lose sight of the conversation:

“As the crisis grows or even the crisis climate in a country intensifies, interest rates and the yields on loans granted will increase by definition. Therefore, the number one winners of state indebtedness today are the financial markets, which finance indebted states.

Now let’s not touch the world of conspiracy theories that is about that, in fact that’s the whole process. Now let’s not talk about this, because then, I think we’ll miss out on meaningful conversation, but let’s just stick to the fact that states today are forced to borrow privately when they need credit. ”

And now it’s time to shed light on what’s really going on behind the scenes. Warm up on May 1:

“As far as the foreigner is concerned, so to speak, I try to prevent students from thinking that I myself believe in conspiracy theories, although I am convinced that many facts in the world cannot be explained by conspiracy theories, but that does not it means there are no conspiracies. ” (Viktor Orbán, May 1, 2020)

And that’s where the thought of Friday morning quoted at the beginning of the article arose that he was no longer as naive as he was before when he didn’t want to search for conspiracy theories. He had seen a lot by now. And behind it all, in fact, is this:

“I always say that now, of course, there is the threat of an epidemic, there is also economic competition in the European Union, but things are deep, so it is the issue that drives European politics, the thinking of European leaders , the decisions of the Brussels bureaucrats, on migration continues, where the question is whether the bureaucrats in Brussels can eventually compel Member States, including Hungary, to admit migrants against their will. ”

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