In Brazil, 800 people continue to die of coronavirus today


Once again, the number of new infections identified in 24 hours in Brazil was broken. According to information from the Ministry of Health on Wednesday night, the number of identified infected people increased by 11,385 to 188,974 and the number of deaths by more than 800 to 13,149.

According to a summary from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Brazil, with a population of over 200 million, it ranks sixth on the list of the world’s most affected states in terms of deaths and infections. More and more Brazilian hospitals mean that there is no more space in intensive care units, while the authorities open temporary hospitals. The bodies are buried in mass graves in cemeteries.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who has been under internal political pressure on suspicion of abuse of power, is calling for an economic opening as soon as possible.

At the same time, Brazilian governors confronted the president on Tuesday, saying they were unwilling to implement the relaxation proposed by the head of state and that the restrictions would remain in place due to the new type of coronavirus epidemic. Bolsonaro issued a decree on Monday to reopen beauty salons, hairdressers, and sports academies, but nine of the country’s 26 states and the governor of the capital district, Brasilia, said they were unwilling to add these sectors to the list of essential industries, by what they continued to do. they must remain closed.

Bolsonaro has downplayed the severity of the situation several times since the outbreak, calling Covid-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus a small flu and constantly arguing that restrictions will ruin the economy, leading to hunger, chaos and misery. He called the governors who ordered the murderous measures on the job.
