Index – Domestic – Many people do not know how to behave in nature



05/14/2020. 15:26

Due to bad experiences in recent weeks, the National Hungarian Hunting Protection Association has issued a statement on how to behave in the wild.

It was written that due to the coronavirus epidemic, visits to public spaces (parks, playgrounds, sports fields) are limited or impossible, many go to nature instead. However, hikers should also know that if they do not behave responsibly in the wild (which in almost all cases is also a game preserve), they endanger their wildlife, wildlife, reasonable and planned management. of the game.

Hikers have been found to stray off the roads much more frequently in the past few weeks than before, appearing on cultivated farmland and often staying in the hunting area at dusk or even dusk. This can cause various problems:

  • Wildlife is the most vulnerable during the current breeding season. This is true for hares, pheasants, deer, and deer. Unwarranted alteration of habitats (especially dogs that have been walked irregularly, leashed, or lost or misplaced) can harm reproduction.
  • Currently, one of the most important tasks for game farmers is to reduce the number of wild pigs, Prevent the spread of African swine fever (ASP). what disease can hikers transport from areas inhabited by wild boars. Prevent this because ASP can also endanger domestic pig herds.
  • Daytime disturbance of undisturbed forests and shrubs can easily lead to an accident riskbecause the frightened savage often escapes through busy roads, through them.

They write that they understand that after weeks of confinement, people want to relax outdoors, but ask all hikers to observe the following:

  • Do not deviate from paths and paths!
  • Be quietEspecially in the less popular excursion destinations visited, don’t unnecessarily disturb the tranquility of wildlife!
  • If an animal is detected, stay away from it.Let them escape! (Animal species living in domestic forests and fields almost always avoid human proximity.)
  • If you come across small species of any species, like deer, deer, too do not approach or touch it in any way! (These animals are not injured or sick. More details in this post.) Also, in the case of a wild pig, the sow that protects the little one can attack us and cause serious injury.
  • If you see game management or hunting equipment (such as a feeder, bait, trap), please respect that they are the property of the competent game manager in the area. Your damage may have legal consequences.
  • If you go hiking with a dog, the ebet must be kept on a leash! Otherwise, a violation will be committed, but the dog’s physical integrity will also be in danger.
  • Excursions should be organized in such a way that not before an hour after sunrise enter the natural area, and no later than one hour before sunset leave it alone! This way there will be no overlap between the trip and the hunting period..
