European values ​​and fundamental legal principles were undermined by the Hungarian debate


The extraordinary measures introduced in Hungary to combat coronary artery disease comply with the principles, Justice Minister Judit Varga said in a letter to European parliamentarians on Facebook. In the Cstrtk dispute, leftist representatives unequivocally attacked Hungary, those who had previously rejected our country due to the rejection of illegal migration. Andor Deli, Fidesz MEP, said that the EU Commission had found no legal rights regarding Hungarian law.

The Minister of Justice called it a historic failure for Brussels to try to undermine the legitimacy of the Hungarian government’s legal measures, and it follows that we don’t even want to listen to the Hungarian side in the European parliamentary debate on Hungarian coronary law. Judit Varga emphasized in a prohibited speech: the Hungarian government took swift and effective measures in the law, which managed to prevent the law from reaching tragic proportions similar to those of other member states.

Can an institution that attacks one of the Member States during the most difficult period in the fight against the law, question its measures and legitimize its legitimacy calling itself European?

Judit Varga emphasized that this is not a standard procedure even in the face of hostilities, and is a historic success for the European family.

According to the Minister of Justice, by failing to bring Hungarian coronary law to justice, the European Union does not guarantee the right to a fair trial. “Conceptual lawsuits in the worst historical times have been the focus of the defense’s presence at the trial,” he said, noting that there has been an unprecedented and uncoordinated political campaign and hysteria over Hungary. You have to look hard for sound, objective value and impartial opinion.

In such circumstances, political power is needed for someone to assert that Hungary has not established a unitary law with the adoption of the Crown Law. I would also like to express my appreciation to Ms. V alra Jourov for doing this on several occasions, said Judit Varga.

Romnia does not die?

The debate on the situation in Hungary ended in the EP after just over a second. Vera Jourov said that measures taken on the basis of Hungarian law are constantly under review.

Vera Jourov, Vice-President of the European Commission, constantly examines Hungarian legislation.Source: MTI / EPA / Olivier Hoslet

No new development justified today’s move, Vincze Lornt began. According to the unis DAHR parliamentary representative In 2010, Hungarians voted for Viktor Orbn in a total of two national elections, and it must be clear that the elections cannot be won with a book of witches in Brussels.

Let’s settle a lawsuit lawsuit in every member state! Vincze demanded.

“We can start with Romany, where, after President Johannis, he practically said that the expansion of minority rights was a nationality. His words violate the spirit of the bad constitution and the rule of law. In this question, why don’t the aggd sounds? I ask.

According to right wing factions, ideological tmads are taking place against Hungary

As expected, the leftist EP faction attacked the Orbn government in Lsen. The leader of the Social Democratic faction, Iratxe Garca Prez, demanded that the European Npprtt break with Fidesz.

According to French MEP Nicholas Bay, right-wing Identity s Democracy MEP, we can think of the usual double mrc, The left is attacking Hungary due to the migration point. Referring to France, he said: In the case of Emmanuel Macron, the EP is not interested in lawmakers, but if they play Viktor Orbn, they have a good eye. “This is the futile debate about Hungary due to the country’s resistance to migration,” he said.

Beata Kempa, MEP of the Polish Law and Justice, has called for a unique approach to deal with the situation.They can’t get involved! We have to deal with economic precedence, that’s what governments have to deal withThe express. At the level, Elzbieta Rafalska from Poland said it was really on an ideological basis against tmads against Hungary.

Deli Andor: conceptual demands evoke today’s debate

The Fidesz-KDNP representative was represented by Andor Deli. “There are factions on the Balliberlis side that simply cannot afford not to return to Hungary, now monthly,” the MP began, saying that in today’s debate, the organizers knew in advance that ninety MP members would not be able to participate. . And you can’t say my opinion. The President of the EP did not help the Hungarian government to participate, even though the rules of the rule were not interposed.

Deli yelled.

The Hungarian side was not heard in BrusselsSource: AFP / Kenzo Tribouillard

He added that online participation was possible for leaders of socialist and liberal factions. “Isn’t it the same for the Hungarian government now?” Asked Andor Deli, a handful of representatives in the room, who also mentioned that the EU Commission had found no legal rights regarding Hungarian law.

The European debate and fundamental legal principles are undermined by this debate, which raises conceptual demands.

Said the representative of Fidesz.
