They caught the merchant whom the company of the boy who jumped from the Main Street department had bought.


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The 17-year-old boy, who jumped out the window of the Main Street apartment on a Sunday night, was under the influence of drugs, the chief of the reconnaissance department at the Budapest police headquarters said Thursday at a conference press release online. Atila Balotai added:

the boy’s condition is in crisis, the trafficker from whom the young partiers bought the drug was intercepted by the police on Thursday morning.

According to the case description, on Saturday, five young men from Kaposvár and one young man from Érd decided to go to Budapest for a party at a holiday home on Lake Balaton, for which an apartment in Fő utca, District I was booked online. Upon arrival in the capital, one of them ordered a medicine through an acquaintance, the other took it at night in the Kálvin Square. Another young man from Érd and three young men from Budapest joined the company in the Fő utca department, then took drugs and drank. One of the 17 year old boys became confused and aggressive,

“He broke furniture in the apartment, spoke incoherently, and then went through a glass door with which he was injured. His colleagues tried to heal his wound and called an ambulance.”

The boy became even more aggressive, “he tried to step on the windowsill through one of the open windows, but one girl stopped him, then ran to the other room and jumped out of the second-floor apartment through the window open there. “

According to Balotai, the boy was taken to the hospital in ambulances, and his condition has been fatal and critical since then. Five partygoers occurred from the apartment, and the test confirmed drug use in several of them. He added: the dealer was identified, he was captured on Thursday. the 25-year-old man in his district department and his 21-year-old girlfriend in the department who had drugs. During the search of the house, various drugs were found in the man’s apartment. Proceedings are initiated against women on suspicion of drug possession and against men on suspicion of drug trafficking. The trafficker has been detained and his arrest will begin on Friday.

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