Thousands die in Sweden’s coronavirus epidemic, yet Christmas would copy them


Magyar Nemzet writes the introduction of the failed Swedish model with many deaths, more restrictions on car traffic, speed limits and the use of masks – these are the main points of Gergely Karácsony’s left mayor package.

The 7 + 1 point package was named after the Budapest restart by the mayor. He writes in the working document that communication should not create the false illusion that we are beyond the epidemic. The road ahead is likely to be a long one. So, the mayor also admits that the threat of an epidemic has not ended, while he previously wrote on Facebook that life must also be restarted in Budapest, because the government “cannot punish” the people of Budapest. However, the mayor would lift the restriction on shops and catering establishments and create new regulations for the organization of community, cultural and sports events. – The Hungarian nation wrote.

The christmas package has arrivedSource: MTI / Tamás Kovács

Retirement homes maintained in the capital are focal points of infection

In the study, Christmas still wants to shirk responsibility, claiming, without any evidence, that the infection spreads mainly in and out of the hospital in Budapest, while previously it was shown that the outbreaks of infection developed in nursing homes maintained in the capital.

On the show, Christmas would take over the “Swedish model”, even though the Swedes already admit that it failed. The Swedish government itself has admitted that they did not expect so many deaths, its collective immunity program did not work. In addition to measures taken by the Swedish left-wing government, some 4,000 people died, almost ten times more than in Hungary with a similar population.

Public transport restructuring

The working paper writes about further reductions in car traffic.

“New areas for pedestrians and cyclists must be regularly opened. The latter can take place in Budapest with the permission of the docks for the weekend, and it is worth extending the VI. and VII. the establishment of temporary reduced-traffic zones initiated by the district.

So far, Christmas has only brought traffic jams to BudapestPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The capital has also proposed covering the face, so far masking is mandatory on public transport and in stores, and according to new plans, the condition for reopening restaurants is mandatory masking of staff. When reopening playgrounds, adults should be required to cover their faces.

Christmas did not present any data

It was written about the reorganization of public transport, the data suggests that the increase in car use should also be taken into account, but this is simply written as a road impassable for Budapest. The figures show an increase in the demand for bicycle transport in the main European cities, according to the Christmas package, this is now supported by the data in Budapest, but does not include any specific figure or professional analysis to support the mayor’s statements. Daily experience also shows that cyclists rarely use the fenced lanes of Grand Boulevard, Üllői út, and other high-traffic roads on weekdays.

“As a result of the epidemic, walking habits are also changing, and more and more people prefer commercial units at short distances instead of traveling long distances. In line with the traffic calming plans of the capital prepared before the epidemic, it is necessary to increase the opportunities for cycling and walking in the city. This is also the purpose of newly created bicycle lanes throughout the city, “writes Christmas, on the basis of which it can be assumed that bicycle lanes, which I formerly called temporary, can be permanently preserved. reducing road performance, increasing congestion, smog as the economy accelerates.

Christmas writes about a loss of hundreds of billions of forints, but does not add that The number of staff in the capital’s tax office has recently increased, which could mean imposing more financial restrictions and penalties on citizens and businesses.

So far, the left-wing mayor has not presented specific dataPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

This can cause severe jams

The Secretary of State for Development of Budapest and Capital Agglomeration spoke in his ATV Start program about the need to prepare for many months. According to the proposal of Balázs Fürjes The accessibility of public parks must be safe, and the use of the Sziget festival experience can help in this. It is necessary to develop a free mobile application to coordinate the saturation of the parks, as has been discussed with several startups.

He agreed with Gergely Karácsony that a new balance was needed in Budapest transport, public transport, private car transport, cycling and pedestrian transport, but warned that In the busiest places in the city, lane closures and speed limits can cause bigger traffic jams. As the epidemic declines, car traffic in Budapest can reportedly increase by as much as 20-50 percent.

Under the third initiative, the replacement of obsolete and polluting vehicles in Budapest would be supported in both residential and public transport. Balázs Fürjes said about vehicle purchases: in 2019, the capital received a significant amount for the purchase of vehicles. The capital would receive another 3.2 billion HUF this year to replace the buses, but its proposal is that they will receive this amount next year, not this year, given the epidemic situation.
