The government is taking the opinion of all the mayors of Budapest on the relaunch of Budapest


Gergely Gulys, Head of the Ministry, sent a letter to Gergely Karcsony and the mayors of Budapest.

Gergely Gulys is headed by a ministerForrs: MTI / Botr Gergely / Kormany.Hu

Dear mayor!

Dear Mayor r!

The number of coronary virus patients in Budapest and Pest County is also known to be known. Today, unfortunately, we can talk about the forty-forty-nine active infestations in the capital and in Pest County. At the same time, according to the data of the last days, the number of infected people is decreasing, but Budapest continues to stand out as a source of infection. In the capital, the restrictions that we have introduced at the end of March are still in force. Before the government makes a decision on what rules will apply in Budapest in the coming weeks, we would like to know your opinion. Would you like to inform me as soon as possible tomorrow at 15 o’clock if you consider that it is a matter of time before the release of the restrictions in Budapest and the gradual resumption of the liquidation of the capital or not?

In the spirit of cooperation,

Budapest, May 13, 2020

To be honest:

Gulely Gulys
