1170 beds were also emptied in Gyula, he posted on Facebook, the police accompanied him in two cars at dawn today


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Gyula police at dawn on Wednesday brought suspicions of chocolate Szucs Janos due to scaremongering. It was stolen and then released four hours later, Narancs.hu discovered.

According to the newspaper, a total of five people went home in two cars at 6 a.m. Wednesday morning. They said they would produce it on suspicion of spreading horror. They also revealed exactly what they mean: a Facebook post on April 20, which he posted in a closed group called “Gyula’s Uncensored Chat.” During the operation, the police searched the house and videotaped everything. The man’s phone and computers were seized by the police.

The Narancs.hu értesüléseit confirmed János csoka-Szucs, and when he was at the county coordinator of the Kossuth county circuit, he said that he had immediately informed Peter Marquis-Zay Hódmezôvásárhely mayor and Akos Hadházy independent members of Parliament to történtről .

Incidentally, at the time announced by investigators, on April 20, the bagpipe action was carried out in Gyula, initiated by Ákos Hadházy and Bernadett Szél, independent members of parliament, and by Momentum. With this, the organizers protested against the inhumane reorganization of the hospital and epidemiological secrecy.

he told csoka-Szucs Janos obtained by the police and rabosított that it was the Facebook post regarding the rémhírterjesztéssel by the Gyula car parade that Akos Hadházy wrote on his community site, then shared a single sentence to add to csoka-Szucs the “Gyulai uncensored chat”. That phrase read: “1,170 beds were also emptied in Gyula.”

According to the police, with this sentence, the president of the Kossuth Circle “jeopardized the effectiveness of the defense in an emergency.”

Narancs.hu writes that Miklós Kásler classified most of the Gyula unit of the fourth largest health care institution in the country, the Békés County Central Hospital, as an epidemic hospital in mid-April, and in fact, close to 1,200 beds were waiting empty for viral patients. But as of April 20, Kong remains the void of Gyula hospital outbreaks, as John csoka-Szucs did not understand what he had threatened when he wrote the truth.

The man was held at the police station for four hours. He was later released when the detective questioning him asked whom he wanted to speak to. He nominated two Momentum MEPs, Katalin Cseh and Anna Donáth, and insisted on a lawyer at all times. The disabled csoka John Szucs that the police did not take home.

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