Marijuana was smuggled across the Serbian-Hungarian border by a motorized paraglider


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The prosecution charged three men who smuggled 18 kilograms of marijuana into Hungary with a motorized paraglider in August 2018, the Csongrád County Prosecutor’s Office reported Tuesday.

The three men have known each other for a long time, they worked together at a company in Szeged. According to the indictment, it was decided to use their Serbian connection to smuggle drugs into Hungary, taking advantage of the motorized paragliding skills of one of them.

After a long search, a proper take-off was found on the Vojvodina side of the border, near Horgos, and by mid-August the products were already in place: the suspects had obtained 18 kilograms of marijuana in Novi Sad, which was hidden in 17 packages.

On the night of August 30, the motorized paraglider was mounted in Horgos, and at dusk, one of them took off with the drug and flew over the border blockade after 10 minutes.

However, the engine failed, so the paraglider had to crash-land near Tiszasziget.

He suffered a coccyx fracture during landing, but was still able to hide the drug before the border police arrived at the scene. The man was rushed to the hospital and the medication was found during an on-site visit the next day.

The police at the time also captured the sad result:

Zsolt M. brought the grass with this machine.Photo:

The found shipment is approximately one and a half times the particularly significant amount, and the suspects are charged with possession of a significant amount of drugs and illegal border crossing. (MTI)

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