They relaxed the rules of the border crossing –


In cases that require special recognition, the Deputy Chief of the National Police may authorize entry into the country. Examples include attending medical treatment, an exam, or attending a relative’s funeral.

the A government decree published in the Magyar Közlöny refers to the previous rule, according to which the deputy chief of police of the national police can grant an exemption from the prohibition to enter the country in a case that deserves special recognition. There are two conditions for this: the health examination revealed no suspicion of COVID-19 infection, and the person in question was registered during the designated quarantine and the official home quarantine.

Current regulation stipulates that a request for an equity decision can only be filed electronically. The content of this will be established by decision of the National Chief of Police and will be published in the Official Gazette. There is no appeal against the Deputy Chief Captain’s decision and cannot be challenged in court.

The circumstances that deserve special consideration are as follows:

  • participation in a procedural act related to judicial or official proceedings in Hungary, certified by a document issued by a Hungarian court or authority,
  • business or other work for which the justification is justified by an invitation letter from a central government administrative body, an independent regulatory body or an autonomous public administration body,
  • access to health care with a referral from a health care institution or other appropriate certificate,
  • fulfillment of the examination obligation based on the condition of student or student, if this is certified by a certificate issued by the educational institution,
  • travel in passenger transport in connection with work performed in connection with a transport activity, with the aim of arriving at the starting point of the transport task (starting point of work) or returning in passenger traffic after such work, if the employer certifies it,
  • Attend the funeral of a close relative.

The request can only be submitted in Hungarian by submitting an electronic form submitted from a company gate or customer gateway under eGovernment, completing and submitting a smart form available on the police website in the absence of the gateway of the company or the customer.
