Trump came out of his own press conference


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United States President Donald Trump held a press conference in the White House rose garden, and that’s a great word, because the President has not appeared in front of journalists since April 27. But that didn’t end well either, as the president simply turned his back on him and walked away after receiving inappropriate questions from him.

CBS News correspondent Weijia Jiang asked Trump why he boasts that the United States is a “world leader in evidence” when Coronavirus Americans continue to die daily and the number of cases continues to rise. “Why is this (test) an international competition for you?” the question said.

“Well, people are dying everywhere in the world,” the president began his response. “This is a question that perhaps China should ask itself. Do not ask me! Ask China this question. If you ask China this question, you can get many answers. “

China-born Weijia Jiang asked why the President was telling him exactly that.

“I am not specifically telling anyone. I am telling this to everyone who asks such a dirty question.”

Meanwhile, the president called a CNN correspondent, but when he allowed Weijia Jiang to end his annoyance with Trump without asking his own question, Trump called a third reporter to do so. When the CNN correspondent spoke about this, Trump appreciated the attention, turned a corner and walked away. (Guardian)

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