Dutch scientists say an enzyme produced in the testicles makes you more vulnerable to the coronavirus


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Researchers at the Groningen Medical University believe they have discovered why more men die from the coronavirus than women. They say the virus is more likely to successfully attack men’s cells.

a angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 By binding to a substance called (ACE2), the coronavirus enters the affected cells. This enzyme is present on the surface of cells and more of these enzymes are produced in men than in women.

The enzyme is more present in human lungs, but also in the heart, kidneys, and especially in large amounts in the testicles. Due to the latter, the concentration of the enzyme is higher in men than in women.

The enzyme was originally started by researchers in the Netherlands in the blood of cardiac patients before the outbreak broke out, but when ACE2 was found to play a key role in the virus entering cells, it observed the spread of the virus and examined your data.

“When we realized that one of the strongest biomarkers, ACE2 levels are much higher in men than women, I realized that this may explain why men are more likely to die from Covid-19 than women”. said Iziah Sama, one of the investigators. (MTI)

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