According to the mayor, it is strange that Zoltán Kovács is investigating the mayor’s responsibility for the large number of infections in nursing homes in the capital, when the virus began to spread in rural institutions, sometimes maintained by the government.

coronavirus pandemic

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The coronavirus epidemic is more prevalent in nursing homes in the capital because Mayor Gergely Karácsony took action late, Zoltán Kovács wrote on Facebook on Monday. The Secretary of State for Communication and International Relations added that the reduction in the number of deaths in nursing homes maintained by the capital was a condition for the resumption of life in Budapest.

The mayor also responded to Kovács’ words on the community side.

“Secretary of State Kovács today essentially recognized that the government is deciding to reopen Budapest for political reasons and not for professional reasons. I understand that I have to fight, which is also part of the epidemiological military action. But almost 2 million people predictability and predictability of life, unprecedented irresponsibility “

– wrote Christmas, adding that although almost half of the European victims of the virus came from nursing homes, “Hungary is the only government in the world that speaks of nursing home owners rather than nursing home residents.”

According to the mayor, it is strange that the Secretary of State wrote this on Monday when it turned out that the number of infections is increasing in rural areas.

In several places, the epidemic hit the head in rural nursing homes, unfortunately several government-maintained homes were also victims of the virus. So is rural relaxation back now? It is not like this?

– put it on.

Christmas quoted Imre Nyitrai, a former undersecretary of state for social affairs in the Orbán government. Respond onlinethat “people with high care needs” switched “between health and social care institutions. This in itself is a high risk of infection, especially until negative tests for coronavirus have become mandatory as a condition of hospitalization / return from the hospital. Before the measure, according to some people, hundreds of residents and caregivers who ‘brought’ the virus to the walls left hospitals and treatments. “

According to the mayor, this situation was caused or greatly contributed by the fact that the capital’s government office still banned and called in March “coronary virus testing” for patients leaving the hospital for “unnecessary costs.”

The reopening of Budapest cannot be a political issue, only a professional one, it cannot be about the government-opposition relationship, only about the life and security of the people of Budapest “

He closed his post.

Gergely Karácsony asked the government to release epidemiological data on Budapest last Thursday, the request has not yet been sent to operational personnel.

After the operational court revealed in a press conference Sunday that the Christmas search did not reach them in three days, the mayor said Monday that Cecília Müller had also sent questions to the government to the medical director and the operating tribe.

The mayor also published the letter on the page of his community and reported that he was forced to go to Cecilia Müller with a new request for data, since according to a letter that he and Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, patients treated by Coronavirus infection had to be transported by road to Budapest. that is, two metropolitan institutions across the country continue to treat people with COVID-19.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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According to the mayor, in order to agree with the government on the reopening of Budapest, data on the epidemic is required.