Index – Domestic – Popular Words: Hospitals Can Slowly Re-admit Patients


Népszava wrote that they would also begin returning patients to hospitals. According to the newspaper, ambulances can bring greedy patients in need of treatment to two, rather than the nearly one hundred institutions designated to care for coronavirus patients since Friday, to the former official epidemiological hospital, St. Ladislaus, and the Koranyi National Institute of Pulmonology. If these two institutions become full, only hospitals can participate in the care of people infected with the virus only in a specific order, the newspaper writes.

With this, the chief physician ranked the Miskolc, Kiskunhalas, Szekszárd and Ajka County Hospitals on the second line. And another 35, primarily the county and some major metropolitan institutions, can only serve those patients when they are full.

There were just over 3,200 infected on Saturday, about 1,000 of whom were hospitalized, meaning it’s clear that many patients don’t need the 36,000 empty hospital beds emptied for them. The next step in the massive liberalization of hospitals is likely to be a gradual resumption of planned care. There are already institutions where, if not too steamy, they have started to make up for lost interventions, says Népszava.

According to instructions from the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), a minimum of 60 percent of hospital beds had to be vacated by April 15, and then ​​announced that 50 percent The capacity of publicly funded beds in hospitals should be vacated by April 19. which in the “next rhythm” rises to 60 percent.


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Our reader was called from the hospital on Tuesday to bring home his 85-year-old father who suffered a stroke. But psychiatric patients and end-stage cancer patients are also sent home. Shocking stories about the styling of hospital beds when nurses carry out the supreme instruction and family members have no idea what will happen.

As hospitals began to vacate beds at a rapid rate as a result of the instruction, family members were increasingly desperate to try to arrange for sick relatives to be cared for in their homes. National Medical Director Cecília Müller emphasized at an operational staff briefing on April 15 that “another collaboration is needed” to help family members understand and help evacuate hospitals and care for sick family members in the home he says they don’t need hospital care. days. He also spoke about the fact that repatriation should be a medical problem, and not only the instructions for releasing the bed will determine who is sent home.

No one can be sent home to face health damage later as a result.

Müller promised it.
