Croatia is gradually reopening its borders


Croatia will gradually reopen its borders starting Sunday: Foreigners traveling to the country for business or other economic interests, as well as for urgent personal reasons, may enter, the crisis team’s press conference revealed on Sunday.

According to the regulation, foreign citizens and their relatives who have real estate or a boat in Croatia, or come to the country for a funeral, and can also prove this with the appropriate documents, can cross the border.

Passers-by in Zagreb.Source: MTI / EPA / Antonio Bat

If you travel to Croatia for other unforeseen personal reasons, you must first apply for an entry permit at this address. The same goes for business trips. If the person has an invitation, he / she can cross the border, otherwise he / she must request entry here as well.You do not need a medical certificate or a negative Covid-19 test to stay in the country, but you must follow the recommendations of the Institute of Public Health, such as the rules of social contact and strict hygiene conditions. If someone develops typical Covid-19 symptoms during their stay in Croatia, they should not leave their temporary residence and should notify the local epidemiological authorities.In Croatia, the number of registered infections increased by eleven in one day, four fewer than the day before, to 2,187.

Croatian police officer reviews documents from a driver in Zagreb.Source: MTI / EPA / Antonio Bat

Of these, eight diseases were diagnosed on the island of Brac, the new center. On Saturday, three people died from Covid-19 disease, bringing the death toll to 90. Since the start of the first infection two and a half months ago, 1,764 patients have been declared cured. There are currently 169 patients in the hospital, 13 of whom are on ventilators. To date, 44,886 coronavirus tests have been conducted in four million countries.
In neighboring Slovenia, the number of known coronavirus infections increased to three in 24 hours, the same as the day before, to 1,457, and one person died of Covid-19 disease, bringing the number of deaths to 102..

Slovenian healthcare professionals measure fever on the Slovenian-Italian border.Source: AFP / Jure Makovec

Since the outbreak, more than 60,000 tests have been carried out in the country on two million people. Of the diagnosed patients, 41 are in the hospital, 10 of which are cared for in an intensive care unit.As the spread of the new coronavirus has also slowed significantly in Croatia and Slovenia in the past two weeks, governments are gradually easing restrictions and restarting the economy, under strict precautions.
