Cinemas, pools and perhaps schools can open in Slovakia in ten days


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A new, now fourth phase of deregulation in Slovakia is expected to start on May 20, Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced Sunday.

He justified the continuation of the lifting of restrictive measures with the relatively low number of newly diagnosed infections. As we reported, 3,910 tests were performed on Friday and there were no positive results between them, nor deaths.
The number of newly registered infected people has been exceeding the number of newly registered infected people every day for approximately two weeks.

Head of the new Slovak government and ministers on March 21Photo: VLADIMIR SIMICEK / AFP

The prime minister stressed that the condition for lifting the restrictions is that the number of newly diagnosed infections should remain low, below 25 per day on average. Previously, the lifting of restrictions was conditional on the average daily number of newly diagnosed infections with the virus being less than one hundred.

  • In Slovakia, the first phase of lifting the restrictions began on April 22, when shops and services operating in a smaller space could be opened.
  • On May 6, the government simultaneously enacted the second and third phases of the planned two-week cycles, allowing for the opening of larger floor shops and services, smaller shopping malls, outdoor sports fields, short-term accommodation facilities. term and allowing worship services. , and terraces for restaurants and bars.

In the fourth stage, cinemas, swimming pools, shopping centers, sports facilities and, presumably, schools and kindergartens will be opened.

Bratislava circus show on Saturday as part of the “Street Art” programPhoto: VLADIMIR SIMICEK / AFP

Meanwhile, the number of people diagnosed with coronavirus infection has been on a steadily decreasing trend in the country for several weeks. For two weeks, their numbers have dropped below five a day on average, and a similar rate is shown this week. The causative agent of Covid-19 disease was detected in 2 people on Saturday, so, along with the above, 1,457 people have been recorded so far, the number of known deaths is 26. So far, almost any 120,000 virus tests.

At the same time, the prime minister also warned Sunday: Citing expert estimates, he said that there could be some 2,500 infected people in the country who had not been identified due to their asymptomatic nature, but could also be carriers of the virus. (MTI)

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