In one day, more than 1,600 coronavirus patients died in the United States


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In the United States, there were more than 1,600 deaths in a single day from the coronavirus epidemic, Johns Hopkins University and the Baltimore Hospital reported Friday night.

According to Johns Hopkins, from Thursday afternoon to Friday night, 1,635 Americans died of a new type of coronavirus caused by pneumonia called Covid-19, raising the number of deaths in the United States. USA Over 77,000.

Additionally, from Thursday night through Friday night, more than 29,000 new infections have been diagnosed, and there are currently more than 1,280,000 infections registered. About 200,000 people have been declared healed.

Several health professionals have said that the epidemic has peaked in the United States, but does not show a sharp decline. Several hospitals are experimenting with multiple therapies and medications, including hydroxychloroquine. The US Food and Drug Administration. USA The FDA also approved an experimental medical use of a drug called remdesivir in a California laboratory called Gilead Sciences last week under an accelerated procedure.

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany announced Friday that one of the members of the government task force so far, Dr. Deborah Birx, will control which hospital receives how many doses of remdesivir. Drug distribution has also begun by the federal government.

Gilead has offered a million and a half ampoules, which experts say is enough to treat about 140,000 Covid-19 patients. Meanwhile, virus testing has been stepped up in several Member States. On Friday, the FDA approved the use of the first virus tests that could be done at home from a saliva sample. The test was jointly developed by Rutgers University in New Jersey and two laboratories.

However, most of the US Member States. USA A gradual relaunch of the economy and daily life are being prepared or have already begun. California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday ordered more than 20 million California voters with the documents they needed to vote by mail, which means the West Coast state is preparing to vote by mail only in the November elections. Republican politicians oppose this form of election because they believe it creates opportunities for fraud. (MTI)

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