Index – Domestic – A debate in Dombóvár faded into his head


Three men in Dombóvár were interrogated in a group for armed disturbances, after a dispute escalated and one of them stabbed another in the head.

05:09. dvárgarilead

According to news, the two locals and a Csibrák resident met on Thursday at noon: a 20-year-old man from Dombóvár, after seeing his 25-year-old Csibrák acquaintance on the street, due to his complaints Previously, they despised him first and then beat him.

During the fight, a knife was discovered, with which Dombóvár’s man stabbed the other in the head before hitting his attacker with the handle of a rake on the ground. The young 17-year-old brother of the 20-year-old, who, after watching the fight, started chasing the man stabbed in the head with a knife, also made it to the volume.

Police arrested the three people and interrogated them on the basis of a founded suspicion of committing armed disturbances in groups. The 20-year-old perpetrator has been detained on suspicion of attempting to commit serious bodily harm in addition to harassment.

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