Index – National – Budapest has not yet believed that Margaret Island has been opened


On Friday, the capital’s municipality lifted the weekend epidemic shutdown of Margaret and Shipyard Island. Several considered the move rushed, fearing that the park’s starving capitals would host a D-Day on the island.

They are right? – I transformed into this around 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon on Margaret Bridge towards the entrance to the island and I made bets with myself. Tracking me down, I immediately ran into a snowshoe colleague, and then I immediately ran into televisions, which is usually a sign that the media is overestimating an event.

There was also no crowd, people were constantly leaving the bridge and moving in, according to my hasty measurement with a carrying capacity of 5-10 people per minute, which can only be called a seizure.

There was an equal proportion of walkers, families, old people, young people, most of them in pairs. Scattered chat groups have been largely involved in adhering to a safe distance of 1.5 to 2 meters, in accordance with current regulations. I have rarely seen a mask on foot, it is still pushed underneath most of the time, it is true that the mask is not mandatory outdoors.

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However, the bicycle traffic on the main road of the island was strong. Many more cyclists also wore some form of mask. To explain the apparently strange phenomenon at first, one of the cyclists gave an explanation when he shouted in advance to his partner:

How good that we brought the mask, we did not swallow this damn poplar hair!

But not only the white fluff flew in the air, but also different swarms of insects, so the cyclists really benefited from the mask. Among the cyclists, a patrol turned around. Every quarter of an hour, the police also seemed ready for any problems.

I walked to the picnic area in Nagyréti, but it was no surprise that the grassy area was sparsely inhabited by the checkered majalisers, and rather in smaller groups.

Budapest still hasn’t believed that Margaret Island has opened, I learned it from a sad buffet. Another was surprised when I asked him to go to the store:

Why is everyone asking today how much traffic?

He asked again, and I could only think of my journalistic colleagues, it is possible that more reporters arrived on the island on Saturday than civilian visitors. The buffet revealed that they expected something better, that they already had a better day Monday through Friday during the epidemic. So, maybe at night, we agreed and moved on.

An ice cream parlor said traffic could be just 10 percent on a similar day last year.

It’s like November, I did 5,000 forints all day.

Added. After a quick count, I discovered that the approx. Twenty meatballs.

Are people afraid of licking ice cream in an epidemic? I asked According to the seller, it is more about having few and “they also leave”. Whoever has eye contact stops, don’t worry. By the way, the ice cream is delivered by a separate person with rubber gloves, his partner runs the cash register.

It really seems like most of them just walked over to look, it turns out. Since that’s why I practically came too, I slowly headed home. After an hour of crawling, I found that the weight had not increased, Budapest seems to be even more cautious.
