Index – Abroad – Minsk not interested in coronavirus, 14 thousand people participated in the military parade


Belarus is not disturbed by the coronavirus epidemic, canceling the distance, more than ten thousand people participated in the military parade on Victory Day in Minsk. The older veterans also sat there in rows.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has so far been a special traveler in Europe, he went to church even when churches asked them to shut it down, and the country’s soccer league did not stop, plus he goes with the spectators. Lukashenko had previously stated that restrictive measures in other countries were psychosis, and considered vodka and sauna to be the antidote to the epidemic.

It was also unrelenting in connection with Victory Day, which marked the end of World War II, despite the petition being filed against its retention. He also stabbed his critics in his speech at the parade. “It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. In this crazy and messy world, there will be people who will criticize us for the time and place of this holy feast. But I tell you, as man to man, do not rush to draw conclusions and Above all, do not try to condemn us, the descendants of victory. We could not have done otherwise, we had no choice. If we had had a choice, we would have done the same. “

The parade was reportedly attended by 3,000 soldiers and 11,000 spectators, hardly anyone wearing a mask, and several veteran soldiers sat among the spectators.

Another ten thousand Russians were infected in one day

In Russia, the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections increased by 10,817 in a single day to 198,676, according to official figures released on Saturday, with 40.7 percent of new asymptomatic cases.

The Russian Consumer Protection Inspectorate (Roszpotrebnadzor) noted that since May 3, the increase has exceeded 10,000 each day (reached 11,231 people on Thursday), but the spread coefficient is declining, with fewer people infected than before. . This coefficient is now 1.06. And this is the lowest since the beginning of the epidemic.

In accordance with the recommendations of Roszpotrebnadzor, the regions may go to the first stage of lifting the epidemiological restrictions if this indicator does not exceed 1.

More than 1,000 infections were recorded on Saturday in 30 of Russia’s 85 regions. The number of deaths across the country increased by 104 in 1827 and the number of cures from 5,308 to 31,916.

In Moscow, the number of known infections increased by 5,667 to 104,189, the number of deaths from 54 to 1,010 and the number of recovered from 2,520 to 12,279. The spread coefficient in the capital is slightly less than 1.06.

The epidemic is spreading rapidly in Ukraine.

Coronavirus infection continues to spread at a rapid rate in Ukraine, with more than five hundred infected in a single day on their third day and a relatively large number of victims.

Health Minister Maxim Stepanov announced at a daily online news conference that the number of identified infected people had risen to 14,710 with 515 new cases in one day on Saturday. The number of deaths increased from 15 to 376, while so far 2,909 have recovered from the disease, 203 of them in the last day.

So far, 2,854 health workers in the country have been infected with the coronavirus, 96 of them in the last day.

The two most infected areas remain unchanged in the Chernivtsi Oblast with 2,179 identified infections and 70 deaths, followed by Kiev with 1,771 cases of infection and 34 deceased patients. In Transcarpathia County, there are currently 678 infected and 15 dead registered by the Ministry of Health.

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said in a television interview that public spaces are scheduled to reopen starting May 11 and that many small and medium-sized companies will be able to operate again under strict security regulations, but shopping malls will remain closed and the subway will not work. . He warned that they were preparing for the gradual lifting of the restrictions, but if they reappeared in the spread of the infection, they would have to tighten it again.

(Cover image: Spectators at today’s military parade in Minsk. Photo: Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters)
