Government is simplifying corporate and retail administration


According to the communication, as part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, another government measure will help protect the health of citizens and the operation of companies. Instead of official approval most activities will also be possible with notification, thus reducing the number of employee and customer meetings and the administrative burden on companies.

Thanks to the bureaucracy reduction measure, the desired activity will be free to start from the ninth day after the announcement.

The government has drafted a new decree on the license obligation during an emergency and controlled notification. The point of change is that Subject to authorization, with certain exceptions, they will be available after electronic notification, through a customer portal, online form or by email..

Therefore, in addition to many other cases, for example, allowing stores to operate or allowing a building to be used can be made much simpler and faster, they added.

Government agencies and other administrative agencies are observed to perform nearly 25 million licensing procedures annually in 3-4,000 different types of procedures.

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