Index – Domestic – Tribe operational: 266 people can now be verified by the police using telephone software


In place of Cecília Müller, the national medical director, Kristóf Gál, spokesperson for the ORFK, started the briefing for the operational staff on Saturday. He said that on Saturday the number of infected people identified in Hungary had risen to 3,213, and another 13 chronic elderly patients had died, with them the number of deaths had risen to 405, and 904 had already left the recovered hospital.

62 percent of infected assets, 79 percent of those killed, and 54 percent of those recovered were from Budapest or Pest County.

János Szlávik, head of the infectology department at South Pest Central Hospital, provided general information about the virus, including that it probably originated from the bat. “It would be nice to know what the bats’ immune system is and how they can defend themselves against the virus. Still do not know how it is transmitted from person to person? The exact mechanisms are not yet known. “

We cannot say what causes some people to experience mild symptoms, others to have severe symptoms.

Slavik explained.

Colonel Róbert Kiss, an employee of the operational staff of the operational tribe, said there had been significant changes during the week:

  • The restriction rules remained in Budapest and Pest County,
  • people in official quarantine at home are also controlled by the police using software,
  • The police verify compliance with the protective distance and the use of protective equipment.

There are currently 10,927 people in official household quarantine, so far 266 people have installed the software. Regarding border traffic, he said he would have to wait four hours in Csanádpalota.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony announced on Facebook on Friday that he had asked the government to publish epidemiological data on Budapest. Christmas also mentioned in his post that hospitals could be the true focal points of the coronavirus epidemic, as while it can be said that the population infection rate is low, the number of hospital workers is very high and the virus may have entered the social institutions in Budapest. In this regard, we asked operational staff today. We would have wondered if

the number of hospitals in the country where the coronavirus that otherwise is not a quarantine hospital has appeared, and the total number of affected patients,

but did not respond Today, operational staff answered only three questions:

  • No violations found in Heves County, no police action (Heves Hírlap County)
  • The government analyzes and evaluates the regulations in force every two weeks, as is the case of returnees from abroad, who must undergo 14 days of official quarantine at home. If this is resolved, it can only happen gradually, the police colonel said. (RTL Club)

(Cover image: today’s Tribe Operational press conference. Photo: screenshot / Index)
