Coronavirus in Hungary: 2,168 patients, 12 more dead


There are 825 coronavirus patients in the hospital, 63 of whom are on ventilators. According to the data so far, 284 cared for infected people and 28 died in the nursing home in Pesti út.

The increase in the number of patients by 70 means a slowdown after 114 people yesterday, but if we look at the official number of new diseases in Hungary every day, we see a slight increase and acceleration.

Due to the increase in the number of patients, hospitals across the country are increasing their bed capacity in preparation for the massive disease phase. The site notes: “We are in the stage of group illnesses, when the infection spreads in the community through personal contacts. In Hungary, the virus can be present anywhere and to anyone.”

They also recognize many times that

The number of actual virus carriers that can become infected is much higher than those identified as being infected with coronaviruses.

“In order to curb the massive infection, it is very important that the elderly, students, returnees from abroad and those who can, stay at home and that everyone complies with the curfew recommendations and restrictions. In particular, we ask the Budapesters to comply with the restrictions because the capital has the most infected “- emphasizes the site.

As you can see from the deceased’s data so far,

Coronavirus is the most dangerous for the elderly, so the communication urges the elderly to stay home and ask their relatives or the municipality for help to buy.

Nursing homes are being inspected and the heads and managers of institutions are being asked to implement epidemiological measures increasingly and continuously.

The domestic epidemic is summarized in the following graph:

Cover image source: Getty Images
