Extraordinary black hole makes gravitational waves exciting


Constellations looking for gravitational waves have spread two substantially different spaces between black holes, opening a new chapter in astrophysics and gravitational physics. The trid’s weak waves give the first indispensable proof that at least one of the black holes was spinning before the capital, providing good information on the little-known and hard-to-learn properties of these special supercar objects.

The first winds mean a lot of black holes

“It is an exceptional event,” said Maya Fishbach, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago at Illinois. The similarities observed so far,

they always took place between about the same mass of black holes,

therefore, this new discovery will dramatically change our understanding of it, Fishbach said.

Supermassive black holes can last up to a millionth of a day (illustrative image)Source: Universe Today)

The difference between black holes was discovered last year, but the results were only reported by Fishbach and colleagues on April 18. American Physical Society (APS) virtulis lsn, which was performed online due to coronary artery disease.

LIGO is investigating one of the microwave frequency metersSource: MATT HEINTZE / CALTECH / MIT / LIGO LAB

The Gravitational Wave Observatory with Laser Interferometer (LIGO), a twin detector operating in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, also detected GW190412 on April 12, 2019, at the Virgo Observatory in Italy. The LIGO-Virgo collaboration published the monitoring results on the arXiv prepress server.

They have been experienced more than in the cases observed so far.

In September 2015, the existence of gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted in the “trid rose” theory in the publication of the General Theory of Relativity, was also demonstrated with observational data.

Gravitational waves as trid waves were predicted by Einstein’s general relativitySource: Wikimedia Commons / Orren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J.

LIGO discovered trid waves while looking at two fused black holes.

LIGO, whose Virgo research project also teamed up, detected gravitational waves 10 times more, which also helped explain the origin of difficult chemical elements in the universe. The third series of observations began on April 1, 2019 and ended on March 27, 2020.

With a LIGO rz: each has two killing arms, the trid wave opens one and squeezes the other. This change is detected by laserSource: CALTECH / MIT / LIGO LAB

The great sensitivity of the monitoring technique has allowed the LIGO-Virgo network to collect data of an additional 50 “characters”.

The most recently observed signal event GW190412 is a completely unique number.

compared to similar black holes observed so far. The estimated mass of one of the two fused black holes was approximately eight days, and the other was more than three times greater than 31 days.

First, it was possible to detect two significantly different masses of black holesSource: LIGO.dcc

Due to the significant difference, the larger black hole distorted the space around it, and the other black hole moved away from the perfect spiral. This was observed in the gravitational waves of the fusion that formed when the objects came together.

Illustration of gravitational waves generated by two circulating black holes.Forrs: https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/page/what-are-gw

All the mergers observed so far have generated a gravitational wave in which both intensity and frequency have been continuously increasing until the time of capitalization. However, in the case of GW190412, the situation was completely more. “It makes this system very interesting in terms of signal morphology,” said Fishbach.

Now mr are sure these supersr objects are also spinning

Physicists have been reluctant to expect such an event because it offers good and more accurate methods for testing Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity.

The discovery is a good test of general relativity.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Ferdinand Schmutzer

“We are entering a new relative relativity testing system,” said Maximiliano Isi, a researcher at LIGO and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who attended the conference.

The black hole sucks up interstellar material due to the object’s high gravitational pull.Source: X-rays: NASA / CXC / UMass / D. Wang et al .; Optician: NASA / ESA / STScI / D.Wang et al .; IR: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SSC / S.Stolovy / Chandra X-ray Observation Center

The researchers have been able to use this information to recognize the “spin” of black holes.

We now know for sure that these supersr objects also rotate. “

Isi said. Astrophysicists hope that the winds can also observe how black holes formed and why some black holes circulate around each other.

An art image like a black hole swallowing a neutron star.Forrs: https://www.space.com/black-hole-swallows-neutron-star-gravitational-waves.html

Good information on asymmetric capital can help more accurately measure the distance of these events from the dairy system.

And many of these results can be a good way to understand the history of the universe.

Artistic illustration of black holesSource: NASA

The LIGO – Virgo collaboration will produce more and more results from a large series of unpublished data,

including unique events that are particularly interesting or exciting, says Jo van den Brand, a physicist at the National Institute for Subatomic Physics in Amsterdam, researching the Virgo project.

The most special objects in the universe are black holes.

According to the accepted general definition, a black hole is a trid range from which nothing but light can disappear due to external gravity, that is, the theoretical surface of the object reaches or exceeds the value of the speed of light in theory .

black holeSource: Wikimedia Commons / NASA-ESA / NASA Hubble material

In fact, the black hole is traditionally a “non-existent body”,

Because the event hole mgtt the black hole has no structure,

and only the dough, the filling or the spinje (perdlete) appear on the outside.

Simultaneously black hole gravitcis lens effect animationForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Alain C.

The appearance of black holes is supported by the general theory of relativity. A black hole can form when the collapse of a final body of mass (large star), the gravitational collapse line, is reduced to a volume less than a critical value.

In this case, the gravitational force causing the collapse will be greater than any other,

and the material of the destroyed star is reduced to a single point.

The artwork of an active disc made of hot plasma from a black hole. The stt sphere in the center of the image is the event horizon of the black hole.Source: Wikimedia Commons / XMM-Newton, ESA, NASA

At this point, certain quantities, such as srsg or trid grblet, are infinite.

(Gravitcis singularits). Against the singularity, gravity is so strong that light cannot escape it.

Cygnus X-1, a component of a binary star, is one of the first identified black holes (and also a source of brilliant X-rays) and the krltte lv action disk, in a fantasy drawing.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / ESA – European home page for NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope

(This is why we call these objects black holes.)

The boundary surrounding the singularity is the defined event horizon.

The substance or radiation that enters the event horizon is absorbed by the singularity.

(Source: Nature)
