Zalán’s return didn’t save them either


Not everything turned out for the Challengers in the Joker game the way they wanted. Although the team had high hopes for Zalán’s return, in the end the Champions still won.

Before the broadcast: the moment came, Novák Zalán returned with his companions in the camp. Zalán was already very missed by his team, he immediately gave a little life to the life of the team. The Challenger immediately told his teammates how he had been for the past few days and how bad he had felt during the course of his illness.

Before the broadcast: The Champions wondered how much he would run and fight with his team if Zalán returned. The reds explained that it would be useful for the blues if only Zalán could support from the edge of the field, he was such an outstanding figure. Zozo is also sure that if Zalán calls the rookie Oliver against himself, he will hit a lot …

Before the broadcast: A sweet surprise was kind to Gabi Zozo and David, who brought coffee and muesli to their companions that morning. The two boys were very happy with Gabi’s attention, and explained that on other occasions he would be free to wake them up like this.

After returning to the Challengers, Novák Zalán also asked what to expect from the Champions team in terms of additional players.

Zalán, Dorci and Adu talked behind each other’s back about what they need to know about the newcomers to the blue team. Since Zalán had not yet been able to speak to them, he gathered preliminary information about them.

Zalán also asked Dorci about his relationship with Bogi now. Dorci explained that Bogi had started to get closer to him lately and was trying to be more normal with him, however they would never be friends again.

Zalán has been waiting a long time against the Champions, making him more motivated than ever to fight. The Challenger also encouraged his teammates to be skilled and suppress the Champions.

Zákán Novák told László Palik that he had experienced very difficult moments in the hospital bed and had lost 6 kilos during his illness. Why the Challenger is happy about this is clear from the video!

Adu almost jumped on Zalán’s neck when his good friend returned to the team. Zalán immediately noticed that there had been a transformation or two during the time he was ill, so he had to process a lot of new and shocking information when he returned.

Busa Gabi explained that they are doing everything they can today to get the Joker. The champions know that they are fighting for something very valuable, so they will give in to their fathers and mothers.

The race started, opened by Zozo and Adu! Who wins the Joker for the Challengers or the Champions?

The fight continued! In the Joker game, Gabi and Dorci have now compared their speed and dexterity!

During the next race, Dávid Tóth and Zalán Novák faced off! Which of them won? Click on the video and find out!

The score is 2: 1 and now Dorka and Bea collide! Will the Challengers reconcile?

In the jump, Oliver and Alex started! The two riders fought a great point fight!

Nóra and Bogi compared their knowledge in a superhuman fight!

Neither David nor Adu could avoid fighting their incredible battle in the Joker game!

The fight continued! In the Joker game, Dora and Dorka have now compared their strength!

The two old opponents collide again. But this time too, only one can emerge as the winner!

Another fight in the Joker game this time was won by Nora and Viki! Which driver was able to score at the end of the race?

Oliver Orbán was not an easy task, as the Champion had to fight against Challengers’ routine competitor Dave Böjte!

Dave doesn’t know why the blues mood is so sad, but he promised to shake up his teammates a bit because that “mourning state” is not a condition that way.

In the jump, Gabi and Bea started! Which of them could understand the point?

David and Adu faced each other in a gigantic fight! Did they both become the winner?

The score is 8: 5 in favor of the Champions! Did Nora or Bogi embellish the work?

Nóra Király crashed into the Exatlon Hungary competition with amazing strength and energy, she is very happy that she takes the tracks so successfully and brings the points.

9: 5 is the job of the Champions and now it’s Kempf Zozon’s turn to score the tenth point! He will be successful?

The clash between Dorka Szabó and Dorci Pap enriched everyone with incredible emotion! Check it out too!

According to Novák Zalán, the Challengers team has completely changed, the morale of the team has become completely different from the previous one. According to the Challenger, the team must change their things immediately, otherwise they will be in big trouble.

Both old and new players spoke at the end of the day, honestly pouring their souls on each other and trying to figure out what might be the reason they ran out of team spirit.

The Champions team is very proud of today’s performance, including Nóra Király, who managed to score two points for the Reds.

The Champions team was quite surprised at how well Zalán endured today’s races, they were surprised to discover that he did not see at all how sick he was. The reds see that the blues have great power, but came up with a tactic to defeat them.

The newly arrived Challengers spoke about the impact on the team that Zalán returned. They see that he really took the lead very well as soon as he returned. The only question is how good an idea is to listen to it in each case …

More challengers continued to discuss the impact on the team that Zalán returned. According to Dora Dékány, he will not be able to retain it for long if it is repressed, and he will speak if everything continues like this.

The reds say they move according to a very good plan every day. In their opinion, if they push this week to the end, they will be very productive.

For Novák Zalán and the Challengers, everything was upset, the blue team completely collapsed. According to Adu, the three new players only weaken the team, they do not strengthen …

Age limit: regardless of age limit

April 21, 2020 10:19 PM

Tags: Exatlon Hungary exatlon_2evad

In an impressive clash, the champions and challengers fought each other. Zalán, one of the Champions players, has returned to the blue …

Champions and challengers will have an even more difficult task on broadcast 81 as they will have to contend not only with each other but with the weather as well. That …

For Novák Zalán and the Challengers, everything was upset, the blue team completely collapsed. According to Adu, the three new players will only weaken the team, not …

The reds say they move according to a very good plan every day. In his opinion, if they advance like this this week, it will be very …

More challengers continued to discuss the impact on the team that Zalán returned. According to Dora Dékány, she will not know …

The newly arrived Challengers spoke about the impact on the team that Zalán returned. They see it very well taken on the …

The Champions team was quite surprised at how well Zalán endured today’s races, they were surprised to discover that they did not …

The Champions team is very proud of today’s performance, including Nóra Király, who managed to score two points for the Reds.

Both old and new players spoke at the end of the day, honestly pouring their souls on each other and trying to figure out what could be …

According to Novák Zalán, the Challengers team has completely changed, the morale of the team has become completely different from the previous one. According to the Challenger, change immediately …
