Index – National – The most important news about the coronavirus on Monday


The world has closed against the coronavirus epidemic: to varying degrees, but almost every country has closed shops and schools, tightened travel rules, and restricted contact with the community. However, these cannot be sustained forever because neither the people nor the economy can resist long-term confinement. As the spread of the virus slows, governments around the world have begun to assess opportunities for relief, and cautious mitigation has already begun in several countries. However, this is a risky move, requires a lot of attention, and no one yet knows what a winning recipe is (which may also vary greatly from country to country). The European Union wants coordination, the Member States prefer to go their own way. We have put together what relaxation strategies may emerge, what are their potential difficulties and what the Hungarian government can prepare for.

We have compiled possible scenarios and traps for relaxation. The second wave will surely be, the question is how prepared are we to wait. We may have to live with the coronavirus for years to come.
