Augmented reality will be the next big thing


Glasses that support the technology have so far been extended mainly in the workplace, users lack sensitive applications.

Augmented reality glasses have been on the verge of a breakthrough for years, it’s enough to think only of the HoloLens 2 released by Microsoft, but Samsung and Apple are developing a similar device to name just a few manufacturers. The combination of the physical and digital worlds is extremely interesting to manufacturers, and they rightly believe that businesses and users will be impressed by the opportunities in this area.

The time to move forward is not easy, some companies have disappeared or are struggling to survive: a good example of the latter is the American startup called Magic Leap, but the situation of giants like Google is not easy. Despite the difficulties, market participants and their customers are optimistic, since quarantine is particularly conducive to devices that allow remote communication. According to a survey by consulting firm Capgemini, 82 percent of companies using augmented reality solutions got what they expected from their products, and often much more. That’s why analysts say technology could become the standard in 3-5 years. The main reason for this is that it increases productivity and safety, and at the same time saves money, since travel costs can be saved, since well-trained professionals can give direct instructions and advice to employees from a distance, as if they were next to them.

With Michael Zawrel, Head of Mixed Reality (Mixed) and Microsoft HoloLens, imagine there will be sensible holographic apps for users in the future. He believes that, on average, a new wave of computing comes every 10 years. In the latest wave, instead of the PC, the smartphone has become the dominant device, and the next wave will undoubtedly be mixed reality. This is true only because ordinary people can take advantage of augmented reality glasses, as anyone will learn how to install an outlet or an appliance. Additionally, these solutions can be useful for both hobbies and free time, and make new skills quick to learn, whether it’s learning plant care or a sport.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also had a similar opinion when he recently visited an augmented reality game development studio called War Ducks. When asked what technology he believes will be the most important in the next 5-10 years, he replied that he is impressed by augmented reality and believes that it will be the next great novelty and will completely change people’s lives. At the same time, Cook not only hopes that the technology will appear on iPhones and iPads, but augmented reality will help with various things, whether it’s reviewing and comparing items or just an oil change. But technology can be especially useful when you don’t need an additional tool to use it, but the information will appear before your eyes.

The Apple device will have a 3D scanning feature, is expected to hit the market in 2022, and will be able to more accurately recognize people, different surfaces, and object sizes than current solutions. High-resolution cameras and displays allow you to read texts and recognize other people, even if they are standing in front of or behind virtual objects.

The manager does not believe that augmented reality isolates people from each other and does not trigger communication between people, but rather allows conversations to expand. An Apple executive called healthcare technologies another exciting development. He stressed that there are several areas where technology and health meet when it comes to prevention. Cook says most of the money in health care goes to cases that were not recognized early enough. It will still be for a while, but the things they are working on now and didn’t want to talk about now give a lot of hope.
