A mysteriously Earth-like planet has been found


The planet beyond the Solar System (exoplanet), which is eerily reminiscent of Earth, has been discovered by an international research team. Even liquid water can be present on its surface.

The 300-year-old exoplanet Kepler-1649c orbits a red dwarf in the habitable zone, so there is a possibility of liquid water in it. It is the size of the Earth. Although it orbits its star closer than Earth from the Sun, the red dwarf can provide the exoplanet with 75 percent of the normal light on Earth, that is, if we start with this information, it may have approximately the same temperature on its surface as our planet.

However, many important factors are not yet known, one of which is the atmosphere, which has a decisive influence on the surface temperature and, therefore, on the habitability. Investigations continue by experts.

Source: NASA

Scientists scanned data from the Kepler Space Telescope to find the promising planet. The Kepler-1649c orbits so close to its star that it orbits it in 19.5 days. Another planet has been discovered in the same system, but it is already orbiting too close to the red dwarf, so life-friendly conditions are unlikely to prevail.

The results were published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

