Index – Abroad – Trump did not join the WHO with a pair of legs without a base


Late last year, the majority Democratic House of Representatives in the United States Congress launched a formal trial against Donald Trump. Despite being assured by the Republican President of the Senate that the move to move him would be interrupted in the upper house, the President was terribly angry because he thought the whole affair would leave “historical shame” in his excellent government. The process ended on February 5 after Republican senators rejected the transferred charges from the House of Representatives.

At that time, no one would have thought that two and a half months later, almost no one would remember the accusation that had held US policy for half a year. Not that Trump’s legacy is embarrassed not by overt abuse of power and obstruction of congressional scrutiny, but by a coronavirus that has long been trampled on by the President and the Republican political and media elite, which claims more than thirty thousand deaths. It could push states into the worst socioeconomic crisis in 80 years.

In the midst of the epidemic, Trump, who was also heavily targeted by crisis management, decided to take a hard line against the multifaceted World Health Organization (WHO). The president withdrew the organization almost every day because he said the WHO had a serious responsibility for the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, as it “encouraged” China’s propaganda as independent information by systematically misleading foreign epidemiologists and governments. There is a basis for Trump’s criticism, but the United States is not taking the problem on the right side.

  • Who is Trump blaming for the American effects of the coronavirus epidemic?
  • What is the sara in the epidemic for the WHO?
  • What could be the consequences of EE. USA Leave another UN organization?

One thing is certain: Trump is never to blame

Trump’s political strategy has always been based on a single principle from the beginning of his career: The Other is flawed! Migrants are to blame for crime, Chinese are to blame for job losses, political and media elites alienated from ordinary people deep state) is flawed by political correctness that sweeps “real” issues under the rug.

No wonder Trump was not taking responsibility for the coronavirus epidemic that actually brought a historic challenge to his government from scandal to scandal (as he specifically said), and represents a fairly large portion of his press conferences in passing responsibility:

  • The Democratic Party, which diverted attention from the coronavirus through a political-legal procedure for its elimination, which had already concluded five weeks before the declaration of a state of emergency,
  • Barack Obama, who said he prevented the availability of accurate and rapid tests,
  • to the governors of the states most exposed to the epidemic, elected in a predominantly democratic color, because they complain that the federal government is not providing enough assistance,
  • With the strange change in meaning, he referred only to fact-based journalism as “fake news,” with whose representatives he used to engage in battles of unworthy words from Trump’s office and position.

Hysterical firing would not necessarily be necessary based on popularity ratings of leaders in major coronavirus-affected countries, voters can often show solidarity with misguided but sincere politicians in these times of crisis. But the fact is, Trump has two goals about which the complaint seems much more effective and legitimate. One target is Trump’s old rhetorical bat, China; and the other is the UN, which has always been subject to reservations by Trump but has its own budget and leadership. Trump made an apparently determined move toward less resistance, turning his previous votes into action, freezing American aid to the organization.

Trump has repeatedly fired on a multilateral international agreement or international legal consensus. And like his decisions on the state of Jerusalem or the Iranian nuclear deal, this time his greatest allies did not line up behind the president. 23 countries, led by Germany, sided with the WHO immediately, but the United States was also left alone against its western partners in a virtual G7 meeting on Thursday. Another problem is that Trump, and the American public, are probably even less interested in this situation than in their previous arbitrary decisions.

The move seems like a very good move from the party’s political point of view. After all, Republican voters are wary of multilateral organizations that swallow America’s tax dollars, but they often speak out against the interests and allies of the United States. Since UN-level organizations have no role to play in defending their member states, it is relatively risk-free for someone to start hard on the Migration Pact or the UN Human Rights Council.

Furthermore, no matter how outraged it was in the midst of a pandemic to withdraw the support of a major international health organization, WHO is exactly the entity that can be easily organized because of its internationality and supremacy. in fact It is a disguise for highly definable power interests, and such revelations are adored by Trump voters.

WHO backed down Chinese propaganda

However, certain WHO practices have been heavily criticized for months, and media watchers at the White House did not have to sweat to muster these arguments.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will meet with Chinese President Xin Qing-ping on January 28, 2020.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will meet with Chinese President Xin Qing-ping on January 28, 2020.

Photo: Pool / Getty Images Hungary

The main tasks of WHO are to collect and widely disseminate information on health problems at the international level, provide information on the epidemic situation and alert on threatening epidemics. That is why the WHO can be accused of a series of omissions. For example

  • The WHO has never questioned the Chinese data, which has been questioned by many, even though the number of infections and deaths would be (in itself) key information for foreign authorities preparing for the epidemic,
  • even on January 11, he readily accepted China’s position that it was “not demonstrable” that the infection would spread not only from animal to human but also from human to human,
  • WHO experts Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus were unable to investigate the outbreak at the scene until his visit to China in late January, but the organization never publicly complained,
  • On the other hand, in February he was ready to support Chinese propaganda with tragicomic-sounding accolades in light of subsequent developments, such as “China has gained eternal merit in protecting the global community by establishing a strong frontline to curb the spread international”,
  • COVID-19 was declared a pandemic only on March 11, after many delays, when many thought it was too late.

British Chinese researcher Steve Tsang summarized his performance at the start of the WHO epidemic for foreign police as follows:

The greatest success of the Chinese State party has been in persuading WHO to focus on the positive characteristics of the Chinese measures and ignore the negative ones. With this, he promoted the Chinese government’s propaganda campaign, which completely ignores the mistakes made in the outbreak of the epidemic, and in the same way omits from history the human, social and economic costs of its responses.

The objections are tempered by the fact that the WHO, like other UN organizations, is essentially instrumental in confronting its largest member states. Therefore, it has no choice but to create a closed-minded paranoid regime like that of China, while trying to obtain the widest possible cooperation with positive and supportive messages. Another question is how long it is possible to remain in good faith against a government that is actively obstructing the real causes of the epidemic and the publication of related research, and that has allowed rigid alienation during the 2002 SARS epidemic to do so.

not to be told that you are not cooperating with WHO.

He had been wanting to dissolve for five years

The WHO has already received serious criticism during the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic for responding to Guinea’s warnings with a delay of several months. It was then that it was suggested that the organization should be completely reorganized, but in the end only one CEO had to go, at which point Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who was attacked in connection with the coronavirus, took the lead.

Now, after Trump’s announcement, the director-general said that, with the support of the United States, the WHO had worked to protect the health of the world’s neediest and poorest people. They regret the decision of the United States and are trying to make up for the loss with the help of the other Member States. “We try to plan where we need to develop and learn the lesson. But for now, we are focusing on fighting the epidemic, “he added.

A WHO staff member will prepare local health workers at a quarantine hospital in Liberia in October 2014.

A WHO staff member will prepare local health workers at a quarantine hospital in Liberia in October 2014.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images Hungary

And the fact that the UN Secretary-General, who reacted to Trump’s move, did not dismiss the allegations in a round-robin, revealing the backlash, was also revealing. Incidentally, most reactions to the American decision are also opposed to the creepy moment. After all, the coronavirus epidemic is beginning to emerge as a really serious threat these weeks in countries in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, where WHO plays a major role in the provision of health care and infrastructure.

But it is also typical that Trump strives again to demonstrate and not reform. The withdrawal will not make the organization better, more impartial, just as anti-Israeli member states have not disappeared from the UN Human Rights Council after the United States resigned offended or after a $ 285 million cut in its contribution. to the UN budget in 2017.

A dominant power at the US level. USA You can enforce most of your priorities in major global organizations with smart, or even average, diplomatic movements by default. A good current example of this is that the United States, along with human rights organizations, has recently failed to thwart the UN agreement with China’s Tencent, which would have entrusted one of the strongholds of China’s Great Firewall with construction technology. for a 75-year-old video conference.

And although Trump, who fetishes bilateral meetings, is reluctant to multilateral organizations, some analyzes suggest that China’s low-wage position vis-à-vis the US. USA It has truly grown stronger at the WHO since the Trump administration radically restricted the epidemiological authority of the United States. USA, CDC International. net. With this, the United States has lost the key role it has played in the global fight against epidemics for decades; And it also lost those Chinese connections that could have provided leadership more, better information, even informally.

Otherwise, the WHO could soon be revalued in the eyes of the United States,

Because China, taking advantage of its position as a center for manufacturing and distributing medical devices, now wants to give real substance to the Beijing-based health care organization that was already announced in 2017 through bilateral agreements, which Axios called “the WHO of China “perhaps a little hastily.

If he did it to Hsin, why didn’t he do it to Trump?

Furthermore, it is not yet clear exactly what the freezing of aid will mean. The United States covers $ 522 million a year (about $ 169 billion) from the WHO emergency budget, which increases to about $ 6 billion, which means that Trump’s decision is a very serious argument on paper. Last week, not only did the rhetorical preparation for the retreat take place with steam, but the White House also began developing concrete scenarios. According to press reports, Trump was presented with two possible options:

  1. the amount paid to WHO so far will be redirected to another international organization with a similar profile,
  2. The government asks Congress to block block the amount allocated to the WHO from the federal budget.

Of course, knowing Trump’s signature tactics, it is also inconceivable that the punishment would be followed by an offer shrouded in a more peaceful reprimand, after which the President can say of himself that he has “done justice” and “regulated” the organization. And for some WHO gestures, all withdrawal of support is removed from the agenda in beautiful silence. After all, a president who perceives politics as a series of transactions can easily think that

If WHO were masonry in this way for the Chinese, why wouldn’t it benefit me?

(Cover image: Donald Trump press conference at the White House on April 14, 2020, announcing the WHO aid freeze – Photo by Alex Wong / Getty Images)
