Dtri-marvel and an unforgettable football night in Bcs


“Fl Hungary” made it a point that Bcs be there on the stage where the Hungarian soccer team could make it to the 1986 Mexican World Cup. However, they were able to see and enjoy Valdi’s soccer miracle. Mezey Gyrgy joined the mexiki 35 ve soccer team.

He had 13 kidneys in 1985. General school, 7th grade, strict schedule Monday through Friday, going to bed at 8pm, no mercy, no exceptions. But on April 17, 1985, all the mskpps were formed. Tonight he was able to decide whether the Hungarian soccer team would make it to the World Cup in Mexico. To do this, the oysters had to be defeated at Bcs.

6 qualifiers for the qualifier

Hungary-Austria 3-1
Netherlands-Hungary 1-2
Cyprus-Hungary 1-2
Hungary-Cyprus 2-0
Austria-Hungary 0-3
Hungary-Netherlands 0-1
The Hungarian team reached the Mexican World Championship with 5 wins and 1 loss.

After long deliberation, I allowed my winds to observe the hint and ascension of the team led by Mezey Gyrgy on the Minivizor in my room.

Qualifiers for the Soccer World Cup, Group 5. 5. laps
Austria-Hungary 0-3 (0-2)
Bcs, 22,000 nz. Directed by Baumann (Switzerland).
Austria: Council – Lainer, Weber, Pezzey, Degeorgi (Trmer) – Hrmann, Prohaska, Jara, Oberacher (Polster) – Schachner, Krankl.
Hungary: Distzt P – Sallai, Rth, Garaba, Pter Z. – Kardos, Nagy A., Dtri – Kiprich, Nyilasi, Esterhzy.
gl: Kiprich (21, 34), Dtri (48)

Since then, I have seen the delightful return of Lajos Dtri (a third time) thousands of times, and a similar spell from the free Hungarian talks with the Poles in 1987 at the Npstadion. But that match was not as important as the 1985 bcsi. The smallest npvndorls started from Hungary. The Austrian federation officially gave 3,000 tickets to the MLSZ, but 6,000 Hungarians won the match. How we did it The only thing that happened last week was that Austrian ticket holders changed their registration at Mariahilfer in Bcs on Wednesday and sold their cheese tickets to the Hungarians without any attention. Many people crossed the border without a ticket, hoping we would sort it out somehow in Bcs. Resolved.

In the end, the legends coincide with this 3-0, but the Hungarian position was very safe before the start. The Mezey team scored 8 points in 4 games (including their 1984 victory in Rotterdam against the Netherlands, which was much more difficult in their career than 3-0 bcsi) in the first place. The Dutch and Austrians had 4-4 points, but everyone knew that a better victory would mean buying a Mexican ticket for the Hungarian team.

Is it the Austrian circus or the most beautiful Hungarian csrds on the market? Jzy Knzy, a reporter sent to Hungarian Bcs television asked, asking the Austrian people. I was just fascinated by that The Austrian federation brought the gathering to the Hanappi Stadium, which can accommodate just 22,000 people. precisely to prevent more Hungarian supporters from traveling, as the Hungarian federation had to receive far fewer tickets.

Two obstacles of the match: Dtri and Kiprich celebrate the Hungarian-Austrian World Cup qualifying after the Hanappi Stadium in BcsSource: MTI / Nmeth Ferenc

“József Kiprich is a talent who has to learn the name now,” said Beppo Mauhart, president of the Austrian federation, after the match.

“Kiprich, great, you can wind up. Great for a number of tricks, gl. Fantastic glt ltt Kiprich. This cold blood, the way he carried the ball, the way he fooled everyone, was quite puzzling. Kiprich Jska was screened in the Budapest fight against the Austrians. I was stuck in the national eleven. 22 minutes at Hanappi Stadium, we have the lead. “ (Knzy Jen)

The country was really in football at the time. (Until the 2016 European Championship, there weren’t many times we could have seen it that way.) Parallel to the Hungarian debate, the UEFA Cup marched towards Videoton and Mezey’s team gave football fans something to remember today. Even if, after this unforgettable night, the article attempted to relativize the article at the Npsport prilis 19 meeting.The Hungarian soccer team is getting into trouble, and it will be tomorrow. Morlis problems, league standard, professional work waves, consistency of management. “ Let me say: just 24 hours after the really sensational victory, did they really have to judge that?

“Dtri and then Sallai push him very gently, Esterhzy. But kr, you don’t have to give it to Marci, yes. Sagittarius, he is not … but it is true and Kiprich is the second glove. Brav, Jska. 2-0. 34 min. Here is the man who wins. Esterhzy turns it over, finds it, and Nyilasi can finish it, but it’s for Koncil. So Sagittarius Kiprich ends, Kiprich goes, goes and goes there on time. Mr. I was a little scared that Nyilasi had left the situation to escape the Austrian gate again, but Nyilasi continued and Kiprich had the opportunity to be the second Hungarian player at Hanappi Stadium. “ (Knzy Jen)

Foreign newspapers wrote in a slightly different tone about the sensual Hungarian performance. The Spanish El País emphasized that the Hungarian team had reached the World Cup in Mexico. The sports journalist from the Spanish rillilloms called Radio Nacional said it bluntly It would be nice to avoid Hungary in the World Cup. English newspapers on the level dealt extensively with the party. The Daily Mail reported that Lajos Dtri was the letter leader for Hungarian players traveling to Mexico.

“Jn the ball, can Dtri r dlni? Bring him back, gl! Great, what a Dtri-gl, we have found a complete classic solution here today. In the last round of the league, Dtri played with sensitivity, and that good shape, what gl, cream, is not accidental. As written in the ledger. A player who chooses such a solution with so much cold blood … shows a shot, returns it, puts it in the other leg, Koncilia stumbles there, but it’s a mistake. There is no fairy tale. “ (Knzy Jen)

At that time, the 6,000 Hungarian fans cheered for Mexico and yelled at the players. And when the svjci br finished the game, we started to take a rm with which we were very busy.

Tibor Nyilasi will go to the finish of the Austria-Hungary World Championship qualifiers at Hanappi Stadium in Bcs. The Hungarian team won 3-0 on March. MTI Fot: Nmeth FerencSource: MTI / Nmeth Ferenc

Mezey Gyrgy was thrown into the air by the players, while the trenches injected the final film almost immediately after shooting and took the photos. Knzy Jen also had to say goodbye. The world was more then. Today, after such a triumph, we hear the statements, the deliberations. Then we were left alone in a matter of seconds to see who could try to process what was happening in Bcs.

On April 18, 1985, cstrtkn happily and proudly went to school in the morning. There was only one issue in the corridor, in the classroom, in the gym that day: how he defeated Austri of Hungary 3-0 the night before at Hanappi Stadium in Bcs. We try to do it ourselves. Then we read an interview with Tibor Nyilasi on Kpes Sport, a paragraph of which I will add here now, since there is hardly a reader who mentions it. We also returned to the ground, shortly.

Gezgy Mezey, the Hungarian captain of the Hungarian football team, qualifies for the Hungarian-Austrian World Cup qualifying at the Gerhard Hanappi stadium in BcsSource: MTI / Nmeth Ferenc

“Then there was the mark, which gently pushed me to know that before the second shine I bounced the ball away from Koncilirl Kiprich because I didn’t want to hit the oysters. One’s mind stops. If I could do it with a single injection, they wouldn’t have paid me $ 8 million for Maradon, but $ 10 million for me. “

Nor do we mean much to Arrl, and then, in 1985, we didn’t guess in the middle, that This will be the last time this team can remember. Because in the next World Cup qualifier on May 14, 1985, we were knocked out of the Netherlands in Budapest, and the next game was 0-6 against the Soviets at the Mexican World Cup. Although it won this victory against Canada (2-0), Hungary was not very successful at the World Cup in Mexico, which did not rank 16 and traveled home. More specifically, the next successful match for the team was the qualifier for the Cyprus-Hungary European Championship on February 8, 1987, in which Mr. József Verebes led the Hungarian team. But by then, we have been confusing the Mezey file, that is, we have also removed the child with the frdvz. It was Kr. But we can only write this today. Then there was no one to raise their voices.

17 of a msik prilis

April 17, 1991 was also a remarkable moment at the Hungarian football club. The team then played their first game with the Soviets after winning 6-0 in Mexico in 1986 against Yakovenko. At the Npstadion on April 17, 1991, 60,000 people grew. The greatest expectation was due to the fact that the company led by Mszly Klmn defeated the Spanish 4-2 in a friendly match at the start of this match in Santander. And the fact that we played 1-1 in 1990 with a bronze medalist at the World Cup. Npsport banned the 91st Hungarian-Soviet match v. Sports cheese carried the announcement to the end. After that, risi was disappointed, because the Soviet team won 1-0 at the Npstadion with Mikhaillichenko. With this, the hopes of the Hungarian team’s European Championship classifier were dashed in an instant.

This article was written with the help of Arcanum Digitlis Science.
