After a slowdown, the epidemic intensified again


04/30/2020. 21:15

In Belgium, 660 new coronavirus infections were registered in the last 24 hours, according to data on Thursday. All this suggests that after a temporary slowdown, the epidemic will intensify again.

In a country with a population of 11.5 million, the number of infected people exceeded 48,000. Almost 7,600 people died from coronavirus disease, but experts say the actual number could be much higher. To date, 233,688 tests have been carried out in the country.

Netherlands Another 514 people tested positive, again showing an increase on Tuesday and Wednesday. The country is expected to reach 40,000 registered infections over the weekend. The death toll from the SARS-CoV-2 virus was 84 on Thursday, 60 less than on Wednesday. The local Institute of Public Health continues to report a steady decline in hospital admissions and epidemic deaths.

Luxembourg, the proportion of infected became slightly higher than in the last days. Although the health authorities registered only 6 new cases on Tuesday, 12 on Wednesday and 28 on Thursday. However, the local press reports that there have been no epidemic-related deaths in the country in the past 24 hours.

In the country, 41,758 tests have been carried out since the epidemic began, and on the last day, the 2017 tests were carried out. According to the official summary, 9 percent of the tests carried out so far have been positive. The number of people seen in the hospital fell from 141 to 115, but 21 would still need intensive care.

In the Half-Million Grand Duchy, there are 3,769 infected and 89 dead.
