Index – Domestic – Masks arrive at Győr hospital with Lamborghini and Bentley


Earlier last week, a Lamborghini was notable on the streets of Győr, many were photographed and posted on social media, where posts revealed that the car owner had visited nursing homes and hospitals to donate face masks to workers. Kisalföld reported.


Photo: Balázs Csapó, Kisalföld

The newspaper reached out and interviewed István, who arrived on his second donor tour with a less conspicuous car, a black Bentley, in the metallic green Lamborghini, wearing masks to four wards at Petz Hospital.


Photo: Balázs Csapó, Kisalföld

It turned out that he was born in Győr and grew up with his two brothers on a ten-story panel where his mother had lived for forty years. István has been living in Budapest for nine years and has several businesses.

Now he can help with the masks, but István also regularly supports animal shelters with his girlfriend in Budapest and Slovakia, where the woman comes from. “If there was a flood now, it would help those who work there. It is always a greater pleasure to give than to receive, that is why I bring the masks to the institutions,” he said.


Photo: Balázs Csapó, Kisalföld

He bought the masks even when they were selling very expensive on social media platforms. First it took five thousand pieces to distribute, and then the same quantity again. Then they managed to get a few more supporters with them, with whom they bought a total of twenty thousand masks. He said that theFrom the sum of which he could initially buy five thousand masks, he was now able to obtain twenty thousand more. And because of the epidemic, his job fell to him.

In recent days, István has visited nursing homes rather than hospitals, and believes they will receive less help. Type in a search engine what kind of nursing home you are in the area where you go and inject 200-300 pieces.

He also gave masks to the Lurkó Foundation in Győr, his family doctor, and to nursing homes in and around Győr, such as Écs, Győrújbarát, Pannonhalma, Ravazd. Together with the people of Budapest and Szekszárd, he reached eighty-one institutions.

The hospital in Győr is important to him because he had severe pneumonia for forty years, then they fought for it here for two weeks, he owes them his life.

Next week, he wants to distribute masks to eighteen nursing homes in Budapest.

The interview also revealed that István tried to remain anonymous, but due to his car, he was unable to escape attention in the city.
