The rookie Champions / came, saw and won


The Exatlon Hungary team continues to spin, but in the opposite direction, as a whole new era has begun. There was another big surprise, namely the arrival of new pilots.

It is a real rest for everyone that Novák Zalán has been ill for a long time. Zalán is missing not only as a friend and support teammate for the blues, but also as a good player.

Busa Gabi advises her teammate to rest their feet. She carries Dorka spiritually and cannot help her teammates, but she is sure that her legs improve day by day.

Zozo realized that he had not given the best performance in recent weeks, but realized that he had benefited a lot from his Duel for later.

It is a real rest for everyone that Novák Zalán has been ill for a long time. Zalán is missing not only as a friend and support teammate for the blues, but also as a good player.

Zozo bar sleeps in a “VIP” bed in the camp, so he really misses the Villa, as there are also many delights there. Zozo mainly dreams of muesli, which unfortunately he still can’t get.

The Blues wondered what phase they might have reached during the race and tried to figure out what news might await them.

László Palik said that Viki had been healed by medical personnel today, that Dorka still needs to rest and that Zalán suffers from the same illness as David before, so he will definitely need another week to recover.

We have arrived for the last Exatlon Hungary charge, after that no one will return to the teams. László Palik announced the new members of the Champions, Nóra Király and Oliver Orbán.

László Palik announced that Dora Dékány, Bea Belényi and Alex Herceg will arrive at the Challengers as new team members. The blues greeted their teammates with an explosion of joy.

László Palik presented the new rules to the teams. From here, a whole new time begins in the Exatlon Hungary competition.

The new member of the women’s Champions League team is preparing her for the race that awaits her with incredible energy and motivation. Nora is confident that she will have enough skill to easily face the obstacles that await her.

The new male member of the Champions League is Oliver Orbán. The red driver hopes to cheer on his team and will do his best to eventually become the winner of the race.

Bea Belényi is very motivated and happy to compete on the Challengers side. The undisguised goal of the blue player is to bring joy and good humor to the team, as well as his prowess.

The blues also got a wrestling athlete on their team, and according to László Palik, this is great luck for them. Alex still doesn’t know how much this will benefit them, but he will still try to put everything in the fight.

Dora Dékány is already eager to join the team, confident that her presence will give her team new momentum and strength.

László Palik presented the weekly schedule to the teams and told the Champion team that today it was time to use the Joker in the fight for the Villa.

The troops faced each other again for the Villa. In the first race, David and Ádi dueled.

Immediately after the first race, the Challengers took the lead. In the second round, the Rookie Champion and Dorci faced off on another point.

There are currently 6 champions battling 9 challengers. Could the Reds have gotten the Villa even at a human disadvantage?

The champions have not been able to score a single point so far on another race day. In the sequel, it was Busa Gabin’s turn to get the first point for the Reds.

Dora said the track was more difficult than expected, so not everything went as she had planned. Despite all this, however, he really enjoys the competition as his teammates are quite accommodating.

Two novice riders entered the track this time. Oliver Orbán and Prince Alex were the eyes of the world.

Alex not only managed to achieve the first race of his life, but also managed to earn the respect and esteem of his peers with his skillful performance. Alex is very happy that he is accepted so soon and hopes that his good performance will continue in the coming days.

The Challengers led 4: 1 when Zozo and Dave faced off on the creepy track at Exatlon Hungary.

Champions emerged as groundwater. Did they challenge the challengers?

The Champion team called the Joker for the first time in the history of the racing series, resulting in Gabi and Bogi running the previous race again.

The score changed to 4: 3. David had to deal with rookie Challenger in Race 9.

The image of the competition has completely changed, as Villa’s game has stabilized. In the jump, the new Champion and Challenger faced off.

The Challengers have owned the luxurious Villa for two weeks. Maybe they need to move today?

In Villa’s next race, Zozo and Ádi faced each other.

Viki had been unable to play due to his knee injury until now, as he now had the opportunity to test himself against Gabi.

Derzsi Viki still cannot deliver a one hundred percent performance on the field, because his legs are not yet real. Despite all of this, the Challenger is getting better and better and is trying to make a full recovery as soon as possible.

The position was the same between the two teams. In what direction did you decide the language of scales after Oliver and Alex’s joint career?

The champions called a Joker again, so Oliver and Alex ran the previous race again.

The Challengers took the lead again, and this time it was up to Nora to see if the Champions could match.

There was a lot of excitement for the next day of the race, further enhanced by the close fight between David and Dave.

Olivér and Ádi were waiting for the whistle at the starting line this time. Exciting moments followed!

A huge load pressed on the new driver’s shoulder as he had a match ball for the Champions. Could the rookie get the winning point?

Rookie Challenger Alex showed up for a parade as he won 3 of 4 games. Was he also successful in the victory over David?

David is very happy to be at the Villa again as he has not been able to enjoy the comfort of the Villa for a long time due to his illness.

The Challengers showed the girls the camp and immediately began to think about who would sleep where. Adu immediately jokingly commented that, instead of the usual lineup, he would rather have his bed now between the two new girls.

The Challengers also showed new members the hidden spots that we haven’t really seen on TV until now. Now we understand why riders don’t like to swim in the camp!

The champions learned exciting new details about their two new teammates. Oliver and Nori revealed what sport they practice and what worries them in their daily lives.

Bogi Besenyei confessed to his new teammate that there are conflicts and divisions between the Challengers. Bogi said he wanted to share these secrets with his new partner, as everyone on the team needs to see clearly.

David and Zozo immediately took Oliver under their wings, who only drank the words of their more experienced companions. “We help what we can,” Dávid Tóth explained to the boy.

Dóri told her teammates that she discovered a bit of Dave and Adam’s behavior on television, but in reality, there are no signs of that excessive behavior anymore. Dave revealed that little was shaken by Dóri’s criticism.

His companions were interested in Bea Belényi’s age, but in a rather crude way. Bea was a little surprised to hear the sudden question that Adu had nailed at him.

Age limit: regardless of age limit

April 13, 2020 9:49 PM

Tags: exatlon_2evad Exatlon Hungary

A new time has begun at Exatlon Hungary! László Palik not only introduced the changed rules, but also five new competitors …

Whoever purchases the Joker will have a great advantage in the Exatlon Hungary competition, so the teams will fight to give in to the father-mother …

His companions were interested in Bea Belényi’s age, but in a rather crude way. Bea was a little surprised to hear the sudden question that Adu had nailed at him.

Dóri told his teammates that he found Dave and Adam’s behavior on television a bit, but in reality this is excessive …

David and Zozo immediately took Oliver under their wings, who only drank the words of their more experienced companions. “We help what we can,” he explained …

Bogi Besenyei confessed to his new teammate that there are conflicts and divisions between the Challengers. Bogi said he wanted …

In the life of a thirty-two-time national sport climbing champion, there was no question which sport to choose. 19 years of this form of movement …

The champions learned exciting new details about their two new teammates. Oliver and Nori told me what kind of sport they do and what occupies them …

The thirty-two-time sports climber now has to demonstrate not on the walls but on the Exatlon tracks.

World wakeboard champion Oliver Orbán is already sitting on needles waiting to show what he can do on Exatlon’s slopes. Youthful and relaxed …
