Five residents were infected in a nursing home in Zugló


Five residents of one of Olajág Otthonok’s institutions in Zugló became infected, Viktor Szirmai, Director-General, asked his 444 questions. He added that still
two of its employees tested positive, had not worked for the past ten or fourteen days, while all other employees tested negative. The CEO did not want to make assumptions about how the coronavirus entered the institution.

According to the Director General, although the Authority did not order any operation different from previous practice,

As a precautionary measure, the tests were carried out on around one hundred and ten residents living in the vicinity of the infected, under a contract with a private service provider, and the test was negative in all cases.Workers and related personnel related to the residents involved, as well as around eighty others, are subject to multiple rounds of assessment on an ongoing basis.

In recent days, four residents of the institution have experienced symptoms in which, despite their negative results, they started a repeat screening test at the ÁNTSZ. Their condition is satisfactory, their symptoms are not severe at this time and they currently do not know for sure whether or not they may be due to the virus.

On Friday night, April 10, the Medical Director of Zugló and his staff conducted a multi-hour inspection at our institutions in Zugló and found our houses in order. Our measures, protective and protective equipment, and our operation, including those registered by the authorities, comply with the extraordinary conditions required by law and special circumstances.“The CEO wrote. Olajág Homes is operated by
United Hungarian Jewish Community. Four of the nine Olive Branch Homes institutions operate in the 14th century. district. The infection has now been detected in one of these.

To date, patients with coronavirus infection have been found in various nursing homes in the country:

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