The director of the Székesfehérvár hospital is fired due to data failure


Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, asked Director General István Csernavölgyi to turn in his office at the head of St. George’s Hospital in Fejér County. After Budapest / Pest county, the highest number of infected people was recorded in Fejér county, 82 since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, the Index writes.

Photo: / Dániel Szabó – The illustration in the image

The CEO resigned, acknowledged that he had resigned, and wrote in a statement that in one case he had gone out of electronic filing, ultimately leading to the termination of his employment at the hospital. portal.

The director said to question 24: He could not say any other reason for the dismissal, he said that he ran the hospital for 10 years and that he knew that the patients, their staff and the supervisory bodies were also satisfied with their work. Csernavölgy was nominated for the Batthyány-Strattmann Prize this year.

In his previous statement, the former director foresaw legal action, however, he did not want to answer’s question against whom he plans to take that action. Miklós Kásler reported the dismissal in a letter. According to him, the error that led to his dismissal was not related to the identity of the Director General, but was rather an administrative error that occurs in the life of any institution. Csernavölgyi has not yet had time to think about what he is doing now, but he will definitely stick with the patient’s attention.

The Human Resources Department said in response to a question from MTI that the hospital’s director general had committed a serious omission in relation to the coronavirus epidemic that justified the handover of his office. Until the appointment of the new General Director, István Reiber, Medical Director, will direct the institution.
